I think Lunduke speaks a lot of truth in this. There are quite a lot of problems with Mastodon and the fediverse in general that I think most people skim over.

I get it (the fediverse that is) because the concept is really cool, but I think in it's current state, it's execution has a lot of problems, some being the same problems that the centralised social media sites also suffer from.



#fediverse #mastodon #bryanlunduke #lunduke

Last updated 2 years ago

totoroot · @totoroot
327 followers · 2783 posts · Server fosstodon.org

@groovestomp I do not agree with a lot of what has published over the years, even though I consumed a lot of his content when I started using Linux in 2015
In fact he was one reason why my first Linux distro was

What seems to have happend at around that time to him and many others at is absolutely harrowing
That is still present each and every day, in countries like and no less, is fucking saddening

#bryanlunduke #opensuse #suse #antisemitism #germany #austria

Last updated 3 years ago

hambibleibt #riseup4Rojava · @hambibleibt
1314 followers · 2591 posts · Server todon.nl

Here another reason I'm very unhappy with .

There is this radical anti-patriacal video being published today on peertube.

Next to that video, peertube recommends a video of
, a white cis dude that claims antifa is terrorism and that riseup.net is the email provider of the antifa terrorist organisaton, and asks mozilla to stop giving support for them.

Lunduke you are a piece of shit!
Peertube devs. start listening more!

...the other videos I don't know what it is.

ok I clicked on it, and the next video I'm getting recomended is now some conspiracy bullshit about "NWO" and corona.

Nearly every of those bullshit theories are linked to protecting the patriacal social order.

If this is not gonna be fixed soon, I will switch from calling peertube "not ready yet", to calling it a piece of shit that should be opposed.

Where's the fork?

#bryanlunduke #peertube

Last updated 5 years ago

Ludo · @Ludo
111 followers · 750 posts · Server campaign.openworlds.info
Ludo · @Ludo
117 followers · 750 posts · Server campaign.openworlds.info
Ludo · @Ludo
111 followers · 750 posts · Server campaign.openworlds.info
Ludo · @Ludo
117 followers · 750 posts · Server campaign.openworlds.info