An assortment of Bryozoan fossils from the Carboniferous period (over 300 million years ago). County Donegal, Ireland. Walking tours
#wildatlanticway #walkingtours #discoverireland #keepdiscovering #fossils #irishfossils #carboniferous #Bryozoan #donegal #irelandtravel #Ireland
#WildAtlanticWay #walkingtours #DiscoverIreland #KeepDiscovering #fossils #irishfossils #carboniferous #bryozoan #donegal #irelandtravel #ireland
A fossilized jumble of marine creature body parts - mostly Crinoids and Bryozoans with some other bits mixed in. County Donegal, Ireland. Walking tours
#wildatlanticway #walkingtours #discoverireland #keepdiscovering #fossils #irishfossils #Crinoids #Bryozoan #Ireland
#WildAtlanticWay #walkingtours #DiscoverIreland #KeepDiscovering #fossils #irishfossils #crinoids #bryozoan #ireland
Reading recommendation: My team member Franziska Koch wrote a blog post about her recent field trip to Scotland, where she collected more samples of #bryozoan assemblages for her PhD project: "The boulderfields of Loch Melfort Shallows are bursting with life"
Recently my Field Studies in #Geology class went to the Hausz Brothers Quarry in #Wisconsin to observe the #Pleistocene Lake Scuppernong sediments and #Ordovician bedrock strata of the #Platteville Formation. We collected #fossils while we were there, and this was my first time! Here are a few of the fossil #invertabrates that I collected from the Ordovician strata. This includes, from left to right, up to down: a #Crinoid, a #Cephalopod #nautiloid, a #Brachiopod and #Bryozoan, and a #Gastropod.
#geology #wisconsin #Pleistocene #Ordovician #platteville #fossils #invertabrates #crinoid #cephalopod #nautiloid #brachiopod #bryozoan #gastropod
A Bryozoan sea mat (Membranipora membranacea - possibly?) that had grown on a Kelp frond. Washed up together on the high tide line. They are colonies of small marine creatures called zooids that filter feed on drifting plankton.
County Clare, Ireland. Walking tours
#WildAtlanticWay #bryozoan #ireland
Three animals that look like seaweed. From left to right, sponge (mermaid’s glove), bryozoan (hornwrack), hydroid (unsure of species, maybe helter skelter).
All found on the beach this morning.
#marinebiology #marinebiologyuk #northnorfolkcoast #northsea #sea #ocean #biology #wildlife #nature #intertidal #bryozoan #hydroid #sponge
#marinebiology #marinebiologyuk #northnorfolkcoast #northsea #sea #ocean #biology #wildlife #nature #intertidal #bryozoan #hydroid #sponge
#muralart for #forrestergallery inspired by fosilliezed #bryozoan animals that creates #limestone.
#nzart #muralart #mastodonart #amazingbryozoans #bryozoanpatterns #patterns
#muralart #forrestergallery #bryozoan #limestone #NZArt #mastodonart #amazingbryozoans #bryozoanpatterns #patterns
Another favourite from 2022. This is the potato crisp bryozoan (Pentapora foliacea), and it has its lophophores out for feeding (the little fluffy bits). Found whilst dock fouling in Plymouth.
#marinebiology #marinebiologyuk #bryozoan #englishchannel #sea #ocean #biology #wildlife #nature #bryozoan #dockfouling
#marinebiology #marinebiologyuk #bryozoan #EnglishChannel #sea #ocean #biology #wildlife #nature #dockfouling
Weeeheee! My first bryozoan Cyphonautes larva - a stage in the lifecycle of some species. Isn’t it magnificent!
#marinebiology #marinebiologyuk #northnorfolkcoast #northsea #sea #ocean #biology #bryozoan #plankton #wildlife #nature #microscopy #microorganism
#marinebiology #marinebiologyuk #northnorfolkcoast #northsea #sea #ocean #biology #bryozoan #plankton #wildlife #nature #microscopy #microorganism
I had a lovely surprise in a sample yesterday. I /think/ this is bryozoan Walkeria uva. You can see one of the zooids (individual animal) feeding using its lophophores. I believe you even see it poop! In the second part of the video I’m wondering if we’re witnessing the motions of digestion. If you have any thoughts on the species ID or insights into the biological processes we’re seeing here, please do comment! #bryozoan #microscopy #marinebiology
#bryozoan #microscopy #marinebiology
A huge #fossil #colony of the #bryozoan Steginoporella from the #Pleistocene of #NewZealand. #pre-pandemic #FieldWork. Bryozoans tell us loads about their fecundity, phenotype and biotic interactions, even when they have been dead and fossilized for a long time. Great #evolutionary and #ecological #ModelSystem more folks should work on!
#fossil #colony #bryozoan #pleistocene #NewZealand #pre #fieldwork #Evolutionary #ecological #ModelSystem