RT @NATOpress@twitter.com
#NATO Secretary General @jensstoltenberg@twitter.com thanked #Germany 🇩🇪 for significant contributions to the Alliance, stressing that German leadership is more important than ever as we face the most serious security situation in decades #BSC22
ℹ️: https://bit.ly/3OURxwi
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/NATOpress/status/1598246531437457409
RT from Oana Lungescu (@NATOpress)
#NATO Secretary General @jensstoltenberg thanked #Germany 🇩🇪 for significant contributions to the Alliance, stressing that German leadership is more important than ever as we face the most serious security situation in decades #BSC22
ℹ️: https://bit.ly/3OURxwi
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/NATOpress/status/1598246531437457409
RT from Oana Lungescu (@NATOpress)
[LIVE] 🔴 🎥 Watch #NATO Secretary General @jensstoltenberg's Q&A Session at the Berlin Security Conference #BSC22 https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1vOGwMDzqEWxB
[Video embedded in original tweet]
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/NATOpress/status/1598228090987040768
RT from Oana Lungescu (@NATOpress)
🔴🎥 [LIVE] Watch #NATO Secretary General @jensstoltenberg’s keynote at the Berlin Security Conference #BSC22 here ➡️
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/NATOpress/status/1598225932481073153
#NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg thanked #Germany 🇩🇪 at the #Berlin Security Conference for significant contributions to the Alliance, stressing that German leadership is more important than ever as we face the most serious security situation in decades #BSC22 #Defence #Security #internationalrelations
ℹ️: https://bit.ly/3OURxwi
#NATO #germany #berlin #bsc22 #defence #security #internationalrelations
(1/x) In #Berlin demonstrierte heute ein antimilitaristisches Bündnis.
Unter dem Motto: "Krieg beginnt hier" zogen etwa 200 Demonstrierende zum Hotel "Vienna House Andels".
Dort findet momentan die #BerlinSecurityConference #bsc22 statt. #b3011
Fotos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/presseservice_rathenow/albums/72177720304101327
#berlin #berlinsecurityconference #bsc22 #b3011