Here are a couple of interesting links which came my way recently. Firstly, a #HEMA article about Thomas Page:
It's good that this links back to the artcle on, which stems from an original #BSECS lecture.
This one relates to whether or not 17th/18th/19th century fire brigades would refuse to put out fires in uninsured houses (apparently not, in general):
Many thanks to the programme committee and organizers, and to the @BSECS executive and president @Brycchan for a fantastic #BSECS2023!
Hope to see you all next year for #BSECS2024!
#BSECS2023 #bsecs2024 #c18th #18thcentury #bsecs
Quiet morning during the panels at the @VoltaireOxford stand at #BSECS. But managed to attract one mildly interested potential customer (or author?). #catcontent #katermurr
It's day 3 of #BSECS2023! Really enjoying the conference so far, and looking forward to (59) "Close Reading" and (60) "Digital Worlds and the Eighteenth Century".
#c18th #18thCentury @BSECS #BSECS #dh #c18dh #digital18thCentury #CloseReading #games
#BSECS2023 #c18th #18thcentury #bsecs #dh #c18dh #digital18thcentury #closereading #games
It's day 2 of #BSECS2023! Looking forward to (29) "Poems on Affairs of Statues," (33) "JISC Historical Texts Learning and Teaching resource", Judith Hawley's plenary lecture, and (44) "Returning to the Archive".
#BSECS2023 #c18th #18thcentury #bsecs #poetry #dh #c18dh
It's day 1 of #BSECS2023! Looking forward to (4) "Homeward-bound? Between Britain and the Caribbean in the Eighteenth Century" and (18) "Thomas Gray among the Disciplines".
#c18th #18thCentury @BSECS #BSECS #Global18thCentury #ThomasGray
We are delighted to welcome everyone to #BSECS2023! The registration desk is located in the Dickson Poon University of Oxford China Building at St Hugh’s College and will be open today 09.30-…
#BSECS2023 #c18th #18thcentury #bsecs #global18thcentury #ThomasGray
Off to @StHughsCollege for three days of #BSECS2023. Fabulous academic programme @BSECS, friends and colleagues, wine and entertainment! Looking forward to all the #poetry and #DH papers!
#BSECS2023 #poetry #dh #bsecs #c18th #c18dh #18thcentury
Anyone at #bsecs2023 #bsecs going to be in Oxford Tuesday evening? If so I’ll be in the Rose!
Looking forward to attending my 21st @BSECS annual conference this week. Registration for #BSECS2023 “Homecoming, Return, and Recovery” is still open!
Programme and registration:
#BSECS2023 #c18th #18thcentury #18thc #BSECS23 #bsecs #ISECS
It’s been a few years since I’ve attended so I’m especially looking forward to #bsecs #bsecs2023 #18thcentury
#bsecs #BSECS2023 #18thcentury