#BSI2023 Integrative structural biology meeting, Marseilles, November 13-17, 2023. Registration and abstract submission are still open. Early birds run till the 8th of September.
For registration and more information check out the website:
#BSI2023 Integrative structural biology meeting, Marseilles, November 13-17, 2023. Registration and abstract submission still open.
For registration and more information check out our website:
3rd Integrative Structural Biology meeting #BSI2023 November 12-17th , Marseilles, France.
Deadline for early registration: Sept 8th
Deadline for oral presentations abstract submission is September 10, 23h59 (Paris time)
Come and visit Marseilles great vibes great science.
More infos : https://bsi-2023.cnrs.fr/registration.html
#BSI2023 Integrative structural biology meeting Marseilles, November 13-17, 2023 , registration and abstract still open
#worshop #AFC #SFB
The AFMB lab and 12 other labs in Marseilles 🇨🇵 organize the 3rd meeting in Integrative Structural Biology #BSI2023 – #AFMB November 13-17, 2023. SAVE THE DATE!
#afmb #bsi2023 #SFB #afc #worshop