Right, I suppose a formal #introduction is in order.
I've been a part of the infosec scene since 2016 when I attended my first #BSides conference in DC. I taught my first workshop at #BSidesCharm the following year and haven't looked back. The other part of my handle comes from a certain 1983 prog rock album.
I've taught workshops on both security analysis and cloud forensics at multiple conferences including #BSidesKC, #BSidesTampa, #BSidesIdahoFalls, and #HOUSECCON. Currently slated to teach at #HackMiami in May 2023.
Yes, I'm also a part-time Twitch Affiliate streamer. Every now and then you'll see me play various games with others, including my son.
Don't be bashful, don't be shy, feel free to say hi.
#introduction #bsides #bsidescharm #BSidesKC #bsidestampa #bsidesidahofalls #houseccon #hackmiami