The BSides (Security BSides) started as an event for presentation rejected by the Black Hat USA in 2009.
Now it is a set of world wide community driven information security conferences.
There are several in the UK, at least in #BSidesLondon (https://www.securitybsides.org.uk/) and @BSidesBHAM
#Xnspy - a #stalkerware app - has been compromised. Research on this was presented at #BSidesLondon. Data seen by TechCrunch shows Xnspy has at least 60,000 victims, incl. thousands of newer compromises recorded as recently as 2022. #TechAbuse #GIoT
#xnspy #stalkerware #bsideslondon #techabuse #giot
What an honour to catch-up with the one and only, the legendary UK InfoSec personality known on Twitter as #mRr3b00t aka @UK_Daniel_Card@twitter.com! If you wanted to see him in person too, you should have attended the fantastic #BSidesLondon @BSidesLondon@twitter.com conference!
Just spent the day a B-sides London. Listened to some great talks and caught up with some old colleagues. Gutted I missed out on the donors t-shirt, but it is what it is.
#BSidesLondon #InfoSec #BSides
#bsideslondon #infosec #bsides
Just spent the day a B-sides London. Listened to some great talks and caught up with some old colleagues. Gutted I missed out on the donors t-shirt, but it is what it is.
#BSidesLondon #InfoSec
Standing room only for the graveyard slot at #BSidesLondon is an impressive feat!
Watching @alexbloor and @cybergibbons on What3Words
#BSidesLondon and #BSidesSLC are taking place tomorrow and on Dec. 16th, respectively.
What else have we going on this month that I've missed?
#bsideslondon #bsidesslc #infosec #events
I've just had to cancel my free ticket for @DidierStevens #cobaltstrike #bsideslondon workshop tomorrow at 10am :(
If you're quick you might be able to snag it:
#cobaltstrike #bsideslondon #soc #malwareanalysis #dfir
I've just had to cancel my free ticket for @DidierStevens #cobaltstrike #bsideslondon workshop tomorrow at 10am :(
If you're quick you might be able to snag it:
#cobaltstrike #bsideslondon #soc #malwareanalysis #dfir
Who here will be at #BsidesLondon?
I’ll be there for the workshops tomorrow, and the main event on Saturday. Looks like I’ll be on the door for the morning rush, so say hello, and remember to have your tickets ready for scanning.
#bsideslondon #BSidesLDN2022 #bsidesldn
Can't wait to go to London later this week and have pints with people I haven't seen in years, people I haven't met in person, and people I haven't met outside of talking/interacting with on Twitter
Workshops in five days
Conference in Six days
I am quite excited
Still have no idea where's good to eat in London. Anyways, who's going #BSidesLondon!
Have spent my day working on the #BSidesLondon brochure, and I have to say, every single workshop sounds like it’s going to be fascinating. https://www.securitybsides.org.uk/schedule.html
Tickets for the workshops are available tomorrow (you need to have a Saturday ticket to attend) from 9:00AM - set your alarms because they look epic!! https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/security-bsides-london-2022-tickets-451980966237
No #BSidesLondon for me this year, I slept through the final round of tickets >.<
Last chance for the BSides London 2022 *final* ticket release. Tickets will drop on Eventbrite at 13:37 Friday 11th Nov:
Event: 9am-6pm, Sat 10th Dec 2022
#BSides #BSidesLondon #BSidesLDN2022
#bsides #bsideslondon #BSidesLDN2022
I see the last ticket release for #BSidesLondon is at 1337 UTC today - here's the eventbrite link to snag one if you haven't already:
#bsides #bsidesldn2022 #hacking #infosec #securityconferences
#bsideslondon #bsides #BSidesLDN2022 #hacking #infosec #securityconferences
T-24h for the BSides London 2022 *final* ticket release. Tickets will drop on Eventbrite at 13:37 Friday 11th Nov:
Event: 9am-6pm, Sat 10th Dec 2022
#BSides #BSidesLondon #BSidesLDN2022
#bsides #bsideslondon #BSidesLDN2022