🦄 · @brysonbort
590 followers · 11 posts · Server hachyderm.io

Great time keynoting at 🦄


Last updated 2 years ago

Working on an updated challenge coin design for the . 👀

#bsidestampa #cloud4n6 #ctfchallenge

Last updated 2 years ago

Note to self: Need to get challenge coins and the High Score Trophy made for . I should probably revamp the designs I used for BSidesKC...


Last updated 2 years ago

To recap the two training courses I currently have scheduled as of now:

- Mar 31 (Virtual+CTF)
- May 19 (In-person, no CTF)

Registration links can be found on the respective conference pages.

Looking forward to welcoming both former and new students!

#clouddfir #bsidestampa #hackmiamicon

Last updated 2 years ago

Well, shit.

I sent in my training proposal to and found out that it was rejected. I shouldn't be THAT surprised as it's REALLY tough to be accepted to that particular conference. That said, I did send in my proposal to , and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'll be accepted.

As it stands right now, I have two Cloud Forensics classes on the books: , and . The course for Tampa will be held virtually on March 31 (all day), and the CTF Challenge will be open to all conference attendees the following day. Yes, prizes will be up for grabs. Miami is still slated for May 19 and last time I checked, there were still plenty of seats available.

If there's anyone out there who runs a hackercon and is interested in speaking with me about the training and CTF Challenge - feel free to send me a DM.

#blackhatusa #blueteamcon #bsidestampa #hackmiamicon

Last updated 2 years ago

Right, I suppose a formal is in order.

I've been a part of the infosec scene since 2016 when I attended my first conference in DC. I taught my first workshop at the following year and haven't looked back. The other part of my handle comes from a certain 1983 prog rock album.

I've taught workshops on both security analysis and cloud forensics at multiple conferences including , , , and . Currently slated to teach at in May 2023.

Yes, I'm also a part-time Twitch Affiliate streamer. Every now and then you'll see me play various games with others, including my son.

Don't be bashful, don't be shy, feel free to say hi.

#introduction #bsides #bsidescharm #BSidesKC #bsidestampa #bsidesidahofalls #houseccon #hackmiami

Last updated 2 years ago