Dinner ran late in such excellent company, but now the date is the 28th and with a picture of the outside of the venue at the darkest time of night we say good bye to BSides Ume 2023!
Maybe we'll meet again for BSides Ume 2024?
I hope everyone had a great time at #BSidesUme today and that there will be future #Bsides in Umeå!
I bet there's gonna be a ton of interesting #Infosec talk over dinner tonight
If @maswan is up for another one next year, I'll def be there :)
Afternoon talks on cryptography in quantum computers era, and self sovereign identities.
BSides Ume has started, with snacks and a keynote!
#BSidesUme and a bunch of other #BSides ppl are about to play @blackhillsinfosec #infosec card game Backdoors & Breaches live on the @Antisy_Training #webcast
Honestly I'm probably gonna be glued to stream cheering for @maswan so don't look forward to a blow by blow
obligatory link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uWMoFI6UIk
#webcast #infosec #bsides #bsidesume
Still watching the @Antisy_Training #Webcast
So interesting to actually hear #infosec talked about from
a European (and UK) perspective
Also having two speakers who lived in #Ukraine bring some interesting #cybersecurity stories about wartime #infosec
@leifnixon just brought up the cyber
resiliance act
and now they're talking about malware-as-a-service
(still ongoing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uWMoFI6UIk)
remind me to ask @maswan if #BSidesUme is gonna have online video of sessions
#bsidesume #cybersecurity #ukraine #infosec #webcast
Yay! Leif Nixon got there! His air travel was touch and go there. Now he's talking about providing 3d printed grenade parts to Ukraine
His talk tomorrow at #BSidesUme is on how to hack a country
#webcast #antisyphon #bsides #bsidesume
Super interesting so far.
Now they're talking a little about Ukraine's #cybersecurity and #ResponsibleDisclosure
#bsidesume #webcast #responsibledisclosure #cybersecurity
Antisyphon webcast from #BSidesUme is live!
Chat in #Discord also https://discord.gg/antisyphon
Lars Karlsund's talk on working in #Infosec with #ADHD is gonna be so good
And he has a Norwegian forest cat! (who made an appearance in the webcast already) :blobcathearthug:
#adhd #infosec #discord #bsidesume
Busy all day doing cabin yardwork, now pizza dinner! Then imma watch @maswan play Backdoors & Breachs on the Antisyphon webcast at 17:00 at the #BSidesUme pre-party!
relevant link: https://www.youtube.com/live/0uWMoFI6UIk
Honestly I've never heard of an #Infosec event like #BSides arranging for catered lunch, catered 3 course dinner, and providing snacks during coffee breaks included in the admission
#BSidesUme is gonna be delicious!
Quick note: First #BSidesUme in #Umeå #Sweden is happening on June 27!!!
Talks include:
* Leif Nixon on How to #Hack a Country
* #Quantum Computers and #Encryption with Jens Bohlin
* and Klaus Agnoletti on Living with ADHD in #Infosec
full info here: https://indico.neic.no/event/244/
some tickets still available--but register soon!
if you're not local, Umeå has convenient connections by air, train and ferry (to #Vasa #Finland) you can hit up @maswan or @petter@mastodon.acc.umu.se for local info
#BSides in Umeå! Wow!
#bsides #finland #vasa #infosec #encryption #quantum #hack #sweden #umea #bsidesume
Quick note: First #BSidesUme in #Umeå #Sweden is happening on June 27!!!
Talks include:
* Leif Nixon on How to #Hack a Country
* #Quantum Computers and #Encryption with Jens Bohlin
* and Klaus Agnoletti on Living with ADHD in #Infosec
full info here: https://indico.neic.no/event/244/
some tickets still available--but register soon!
if you're not local, Umeå has convenient connections by air, train and ferry (to #Vasa #Finland) you can hit up @maswan or @petter@mastodon.acc.umu.se for local info
#BSides in Umeå! Wow!
#bsides #finland #vasa #infosec #encryption #quantum #hack #sweden #umea #bsidesume
Only two weeks left until we meet for BSides Ume on June 27th in Umeå, Sweden!
We have a excellent set of talks on various infosec topics lined up:
Register soon, so I have a chance to book the right number of lunches!
So I heard that BSides event should have a logo! This concoction might be a sign that I'm a sysadmin and not a graphic designer. If we get enough interest to make this a repeating event, I'll look for someone to improve it for next year!
PS. Registration open, interesting talks, and Umeå is great around midsummer: https://indico.neic.no/event/244/
We have an interesting set of talks for BSides Ume this summer!
We're working on fixing the last few bits in the schedule, like english description for all talks and then some practical matters before we can open up registration, hopefully it'll be soon!
The CFP for BSides Ume this summer (starting June 27th!) ends in two work weeks from now!
The abstract submission involves a quick e-mail verified lightweight account in the conference management system to track contributions (later, speakers will be able to upload materials into the timetable etc), but that also means that you can update a submitted abstract all the way to the deadline. I recommend you submit early and update often!