Found a “Free” #BSL course
I thought I'd give this a go before paying for one with cash I don't have :(
ICAO: 406755
Flt: EZY68ME #easyJetUK #BSL-#BRS
First seen: 2023/09/08 23:11:17
Min Alt: 4025 ft MSL
Min Dist: 9.25 mi
#planefence #adsb #mendip
#easyjetuk #bsl #brs #planefence #adsb #mendip
DevOps Paradox hosts Viktor Farcic and Darin Pope had an interesting discussion on the #HashiCorp decision to relicense its #opensource projects to non-OSS #BSL license. Worth a listen 👍
(plus a mention of my guest appearance and podcast 💙)
#DevOps #terraform #relicensing #opentf
#hashicorp #opensource #bsl #devops #terraform #relicensing #opentf
ICAO: #C08223
Flt: #ACA7223 #AirCanada #BSL-#YYZ
First seen: 2023/09/03 20:26:56
Min Alt: 10000 ft MSL
Min Dist: 1.75 km
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
#c08223 #aca7223 #aircanada #bsl #yyz
The #BSL should be called the Business Selfish License. In the end, by not permitting anyone else to benefit from their code, yes, gasp, including potential competitors, they effectively discourage outside contribution to their own code base, only to have it wither and die as they will loose control of their own market to forks like #OpenTF . In effect, #Hashicorp itself has caused what it seems to have feared most. Self inflicted #fail .
"@Hashicorp #BSL vs #OSS License Discussion"
Fascinating podcast about #Terraform project backer dumping MPL & adopting BSL. I disagree with most everything they say. Check it!!
HT @zehicle via @SoundCloud
Merci à celleux qui ont partagé mon article sur le passage en licence #BSL des produits #Hashicorp
Cet article de #gruntwork explique mieux que moi les problématiques induites par ce changement, je vous invite à le lire
@mako I was watching your LibrePlanet '18 keynote, and learning about the concept of "Strategic Openness":
I loved your exposition on this! The increase in the Bait and Switch License (#BSL) seems like an example of strategic openness on a temporal rather than spatial scale ("when" rather than "where" openness is profitable).
"Vendor-led group vows to fork @HashiCorp #Terraform"
What is going on w/ Terraform, #OSS, #BSL, and #OpenTF? Well, it's complicated, but also not.
Great breakdown by the awesome @PariseauTT via @TechTarget, w/ some of my thoughts too.
#OpenTF says it will fork @hashicorp #Terraform if #HashiCorp proceeds with its #BSL license change. #OSS
#opentf #terraform #HashiCorp #bsl #oss
Hashicorpt adopts Business Source License
Well, bad move for them, but we’ll see how things pan out.
#hashicorpt #bsl #license #news
I would like the apologists of #HashiCorp to remember Theo de Raadt's apocalyptic rants against big corps using #OpenSSH and not contributing back in any way. IIRC that was not used as reason for changing the license to #BSL.
A followup on the buzz in the wake of the #HashiCorp #opensource news #BSL #FOSS #OSS
#HashiCorp #opensource #bsl #foss #oss
The face when a sales person says "hey did you hear about #Hashi's new #licensing model? When can we do that too?" #opensource #OSS #BSL
#hashi #licensing #opensource #oss #bsl
British Sign Language has added hundreds of new signs for climate and environmental science terms
#BSL #SignLanguage #climate #environment #science #deaf #language
#bsl #signlanguage #climate #environment #science #deaf #language
@vwbusguy yes, it is.
My point or question is: do we still trust companies to keep their open source software publicly available to non-customers "forever"?
Especially when the software is the business they make money with and the "times" getting harder?
The good thing #redhat, although they own #Ansible and #AWX, can't change the license because they didn't have the requirement to sign a CLA before a source contribution.
Would they have chosen to use #BSL if they could?
Tell me you don't care about #opensource without telling me you don't care about open source.
Unsurprisingly, this comes from the #MongoDB developer relations guy.
All the #BUSL #BSL companies are trying to normalize it, supporting each other with nonsense PR.
The #realpolitik is that they never cared about open-source ideals. They only cared about free labor and market share.
#opensource #mongodb #busl #bsl #realpolitik #hashicorp #licensing
Oh dear, seems #HashiCorp has decided to finally execute the inevitable bait and switch. The #BSL (#BusinessSourceLicense) is a piece of decidedly not-#FLOSS garbage (albeit one with a converts-to-FLOSS sunset clause built in), that I've been eying wearily ever since #MariaDB created it (though not applying it to anything I actually use; that is still #GPL). The only HashiCorp thing I use is #Terraform; Here's to hoping someone forks the last free version ASAP.
#hashicorp #bsl #businesssourcelicense #floss #MariaDB #gpl #terraform
Does anyone know of good alternatives (free software only) for #hashicorp products? Nomad and Terraform seem like really good tools, but unfortunately they'll be licensed under BSL soon.
#hashicorp #freesoftware #bsl #foss #floss