Chiba-Lotte-Marines: 【代打サヨナラ逆転2ラン】カメラより興奮が勝った瞬間 #chibalotte #BSW #角中勝也 代打逆転サヨナラ確信弾の角中選手、歓喜のハイタッチ!#chibalotte #BSW #ChibaLotteMarines #ChibaLotteMarinesOfficialChannel #ChibaLotteMarinesOfficialVideo #OfficialChannel #OfficialVideo #PACIFICLEAGUE #千葉ロッテマリーンズ
#chibalotte #bsw #chibalottemarines #chibalottemarinesofficialchannel #chibalottemarinesofficialvideo #officialchannel #officialvideo #pacificleague #千葉ロッテマリーンズ
Chiba-Lotte-Marines: 代打逆転サヨナラ確信弾の角中選手、歓喜のハイタッチ!#chibalotte #BSW サヨナラ男!安田尚憲選手が今季3回目のサヨナラ打!#chibalotte #BSW #ChibaLotteMarines #ChibaLotteMarinesOfficialChannel #ChibaLotteMarinesOfficialVideo #OfficialChannel #OfficialVideo #PACIFICLEAGUE #千葉ロッテマリーンズ
#chibalotte #bsw #chibalottemarines #chibalottemarinesofficialchannel #chibalottemarinesofficialvideo #officialchannel #officialvideo #pacificleague #千葉ロッテマリーンズ 【空に消えてった】1試合3発!ポランコの大花火大会 #chibalotte #BSW #ChibaLotteMarines #ChibaLotteMarinesOfficialChannel #ChibaLotteMarinesOfficialVideo #OfficialChannel #OfficialVideo #PACIFICLEAGUE #千葉ロッテマリーンズ
#chibalotte #bsw #chibalottemarines #chibalottemarinesofficialchannel #chibalottemarinesofficialvideo #officialchannel #officialvideo #pacificleague #千葉ロッテマリーンズ
Chiba-Lotte-Marines: 【空に消えてった】1試合3発!ポランコの大花火大会 #chibalotte #BSW 【角中の選球眼】逆転勝利を呼び寄せた、粘りの10球 #chibalotte #BSW #ChibaLotteMarines #ChibaLotteMarinesOfficialChannel #ChibaLotteMarinesOfficialVideo #OfficialChannel #OfficialVideo #PACIFICLEAGUE #千葉ロッテマリーンズ
#chibalotte #bsw #chibalottemarines #chibalottemarinesofficialchannel #chibalottemarinesofficialvideo #officialchannel #officialvideo #pacificleague #千葉ロッテマリーンズ
Chiba-Lotte-Marines: 【角中の選球眼】逆転勝利を呼び寄せた、粘りの10球 #chibalotte #BSW
Solarindustrie: Globales Wettrennen um Solar-Giga-Fabriken
Der Bundesverband Solarwirtschaft (BSW) wirbt in der Ampel-Koalition derzeit für einen Investitionsbooster zum Wiederaufbau einer starken Sola
#BSW–BundesverbandSolarwirtschafte.V. #Energiekrise #Energieversorgung #Photovoltaik #Solar-Giga-Fabriken #Solarenergie #Solarindustrie #Solarwirtschaft #Standortwettbewerb
#bsw #energiekrise #energieversorgung #photovoltaik #solar #solarenergie #solarindustrie #solarwirtschaft #standortwettbewerb
I love my job, but I worked hard to earn my #bsw Bachelor of Social Work and regrettably had a difficult time finding work as I finished it at a time early in my transition and many doors were shut in my face after I came out. I'd like to be in a position to help younger #trans folks out and have been considering an #msw and get into counseling. Thing is I'm working poor and just make enough to keep the lights on.
I'm sitting here age 40 with #ADD and executive dysfunction, lacking field experience wondering if I have what it takes to persue an masters degree?
Don't get me wrong I enjoy what I do, just wondering if I still have time to use my education to it's full potential. Is this the #midlifecrisis I was warned about?
#bsw #trans #MSW #ADD #midlifecrisis
AAVE, the top winner on the 1st working day of 2022 #aave #defi #eth #btc #xrp #bitcoin #ada #xlm #bnb #uni #dot #matic #sol #bch #trx #ltc #usdt #luna #doge #cryptocurrency #usdc #bsw #shibaswap #biswap #axs #busd #htb #blockchain #crypto #bhfyp
#AAVE #defi #eth #BTC #XRP #bitcoin #ada #XLM #BNB #UNI #DOT #MATIC #SOL #BCH #trx #LTC #usdt #Luna #doge #cryptocurrency #USDC #bsw #shibaswap #biswap #axs #busd #htb #blockchain #crypto #bhfyp
Im #FLOSS-Bereich u.a. #fDroid, #CCTG, #Tusky, #FairEmail, #NetGuard - ansonsten z.B. #digitalcourage, #atmosfair (internationale Partnerschaften haben schlechte Klimabilanzen - auch wenn's nur zwei Familienbesuche waren) oder auch die #Stiftungsfamilie #BSW & #EWH.
Eine Spende steht noch aus. Mal schauen, wen's trifft 🤷
#EWH #bsw #Stiftungsfamilie #atmosfair #digitalcourage #netguard #fairemail #tusky #cctg #fdroid #floss
Is AAVE preparing for another rally? #aave #defi #eth #btc #xrp #bitcoin #ada #xlm #bnb #uni #dot #matic #sol #bch #trx #ltc #usdt #luna #doge #cryptocurrency #usdc #bsw #shibaswap #biswap #axs #busd #htb #blockchain #crypto #bhfyp
#AAVE #defi #eth #BTC #XRP #bitcoin #ada #XLM #BNB #UNI #DOT #MATIC #SOL #BCH #trx #LTC #usdt #Luna #doge #cryptocurrency #USDC #bsw #shibaswap #biswap #axs #busd #htb #blockchain #crypto #bhfyp
Nachdem Kind#1 sich mit 5.5 Jahren erfolgreich durch die Carcassonne-Grundregeln gekämpft hat, verlangt er nach mehr. Habt ihr Vorschläge für fordernde Spiele, die auch für Eltern mit langer Spielerkarriere interessant sind? #brettspiele #kinder #bsw