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FDI Inflows and Domestic Firms: Adjustments to New Export Opportunities | Brian McCaig, Nina Pavcnik & Woan Foong Wong via @nberpubs@twitter.com #FDI #trade #exports #EconTwitter #TradeTwitter #tariff #BTA
#fdi #trade #exports #econtwitter #tradetwitter #tariff #bta
FDI Inflows and Domestic Firms: Adjustments to New Export Opportunities | Brian McCaig, Nina Pavcnik & Woan Foong Wong via @nberpubs@twitter.com #FDI #trade #exports #EconTwitter #TradeTwitter #tariff #BTA
#fdi #trade #exports #econtwitter #tradetwitter #tariff #bta
Me: "Here's Mr. Wingnut being stupid and wingnutty."
PEANoNut Troll from the Boondocks: "Hey, hold up, Dawg....how do you know dewd is wingnutty? He sounds pretty progressive to me! Censor much?"
Me: "Check his WORDS and ACTIONS, Trollie, and then come back to me."
Trollie: "Why you being so purist?? This is a conservative country, we must gently flip him to our side!! Free speech, remember?"
Me: "Sorry, I don't give free carriage to bigots."
Trollie: "Commie Censor!!"
Me: GYAOuttaH #BtA
Me: "Here's Mr. Wingnut being stupid and wingnutty."
PEANoNut Troll from the Boondocks: "Hey, hold up, Dawg....how do you know dewd is wingnutty? He sounds pretty progressive to me! Censor much?"
Me: "Check his WORDS and ACTIONS, Trollie, and then come back to me."
Trollie: "Why you being so purist?? This is a conservative country, we must gently flip him to our side! Free speech, remember?"
Me: "Sorry, I don't give free carriage to bigots."
Trollie: "Commie Censor!"
Me: Bye, sucka! #BtA