Hey #MountainBike riders in the #EastBay, please take the #BTCEB (#Bicycle #Trails Council of the East Bay) #survey, and repost so others see it and can participate:
Please take some time to fill out a Bicycle Trails Council East Bay (BTCEB) online survey. we’d like to hear from members and non-members alike to see how we’re serving or not serving our local MTB communities, what we can do better, support for programs, etc. the results will help BTCEB set priorities during our strategic planning later this year for 2024 an onwards. feel free to pass it on to other MTBrs as well in the East Bay:
EDIT, fixed link: https://berkeley.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_d5KIPJyBEjOubjM
By completing the survey by August 31, you will automatically be entered into a drawing for a $225 Trail One Components gift card (if you submit using your name/email address. Thanks for taking the time! ~ Lauren Haughey (BTCEB President)
#mountainbike #EastBay #btceb #bicycle #trails #survey #BikeTooter #bike #mtb #singletrack
In 1986 the #EastBayRegionalParkDistrict (#EBRPD) was trying to decide what to do with #MountainBikes. This article, OUTLAWING OFF-ROAD RIDING, Winning Magazine, May 1986 captures those discussions.
#BTCEB #trails #BikeTooter #mtb #singletrack #EastBay #California #advocacy
#EastBayRegionalParkDistrict #EBRPD #mountainbikes #btceb #trails #BikeTooter #mtb #singletrack #EastBay #california #Advocacy
After school practice with #OaklandDevo; we had one hour to ride a lap of #JoaquinMillerPark, do a tiny bit of trail work, take some #BTCEB bells, trash the be kiosk with a team sticker and have fun. Two coaches, 13 kids, smiles, fun times, safe return.
#oaklanddevo #JoaquinMillerPark #btceb #nica #middleschool #mtb #norcalleague
@footsteps my wife Lauren is the new President of BTCEB. They don't record their meetings. They've been using Google Hangouts. There are minutes from previous board meetings. Notification and links for the next board meeting will go to the #BTCEB meetup group: https://www.meetup.com/bicycletrailscouncil/ If you, and/or your friend joins the meetup group, they'll get the link & invite.
@footsteps #BTCEB generally responds to issues in areas where our membership and board reside. We don't have as much representation east of #Oakland, but would like to see more, in fact there is a call for new #board members. Help us spread the word?
BTCEB focuses on trails that a #MountainBike rider would, or should have access to, in the #EastBay. We do work with #EBRPD, municipal agencies and land agency non-profits, and partner with stakeholder groups.
#btceb #oakland #board #mountainbike #EastBay #EBRPD
Did some trail work in #JoaquinMillerPark this past weekend, with #BTCEB and #NorCalLeague coaches. That's my friend Stewart. Notice the water flow in the before and after pictures. We also cut and reopened a bunch of trail drains and cleared some trees.
#JoaquinMillerPark #btceb #norcalleague #oakland #storms #trails #good #california