@snonux ryzen CPU’s require a full screen terminal window in #btop :troll:
There’s also nvtop that shows you usage, very helpful if your #GamingOnLinux and want to know if it’s running on the right graphics card
On a Lemmy post, I found a link to #BTop, a very slick 8-bit style Open Source resource monitor. In the writeup, I will install with #homebrew (and #scoop in windows) and give a full demo of the themes and features. I then follow it up with an #ansible playbook and we watch as we do a #k3s cluster respin watching our primary and worker nodes in BTop. https://freshbrewed.science/2023/06/29/btop.html
#k3s #ansible #scoop #homebrew #btop
On a Lemmy post, I found a link to #BTop, a very slick 8-bit style Open Source resource monitor. In the writeup, I will install with #homebrew (and #scoop in windows) and give a full demo of the themes and features. I then follow it up with an #ansible playbook and we watch as we do a #k3s cluster respin watching our primary and worker nodes in BTop. https://freshbrewed.science/2023/06/29/btop.html
#k3s #ansible #scoop #homebrew #btop
On a Lemmy post, I found a link to #BTop, a very slick 8-bit style Open Source resource monitor. In the writeup, I will install with #homebrew (and #scoop in windows) and give a full demo of the themes and features. I then follow it up with an #ansible playbook and we watch as we do a #k3s cluster respin watching our primary and worker nodes in BTop. https://freshbrewed.science/2023/06/29/btop.html
#k3s #ansible #scoop #homebrew #btop
On a Lemmy post, I found a link to #BTop, a very slick 8-bit style Open Source resource monitor. In the writeup, I will install with #homebrew (and #scoop in windows) and give a full demo of the themes and features. I then follow it up with an #ansible playbook and we watch as we do a #k3s cluster respin watching our primary and worker nodes in BTop. https://freshbrewed.science/2023/06/29/btop.html
#k3s #ansible #scoop #homebrew #btop
#Debian : #btop bientôt disponible dans les paquets ?
#Debian : #btop bientôt disponible dans les paquets ?
Je viens de contacter le développeur pour savoir s'il compte faire ce qu'il faut pour que #btop franchisse enfin la barrière d'entrée dans les paquets #Debian (voir actions en attente dans le suivi, capture jointe).
C'est un pro (qui travaille dans l'équipe Ubuntu Touch), il devrait pouvoir faire ça j'imagine.
DE: @gnome 43.4
WM: Mutter
Shell extensions:
Aylur's Widgets
Alphabetical App Grid
Arch Linux Updates Indicator
Auto Move Windows
Bluetooth Quick Connect
Blur My Shell
Clipboard Indicator
Dsah to Dock
Hide Activities Button
Just Perfection
Pop Shell
Workspace Matrix
Software: cmatrix, #neovim, pipes.sh, #btop, cava, #kitty, @jellyfin mediaplayer
#linux #rice #neovim #btop #kitty
Immer den Raspberry Pi an der A314-cp Erweiterung im Amiga 1200 im Blick mit btop++ und VNC
#commodore #amiga #amigaos #amigaworld #raspberrypi #btop #vnc
#commodore #amiga #amigaos #amigaworld #raspberrypi #btop #VNC
#linux #прыщинг #log #btop #htop @rf @ru
Ушёл с htop на btop, поскольку последний жрёт на порядок меньше cpu (батарейки) при том же refresh rate.
Теперь мой статус-воркспейс выглядит как-то так; осталось найти как расширить говнокошко с процессами и убрать лишние рамки.
#log #linux #btop #прыщинг #htop
Feliz #viernesdeescritorio a todos, hoy voy mal de tiempo, así que aprovecho para haceros un 2x1 en el mismo toot con mi #newsletter de hoy:
#24 El mayor problema de Linux
#viernesdeescritorio #newsletter #escritoriognulinux #linux #fedora #gnome #btop
@codewiz installing a new #linuxserver here. #btop looks really nice on this :D
Pushing my slow machine to its limit...heck ...not yet freeze ...keeping my fingers crossed! :)
#linux #research #linuxadmin #sysadmin #emacs #git #portage #gentoo #emerge #opensource #btop
#linux #research #linuxadmin #sysadmin #emacs #git #portage #gentoo #emerge #opensource #btop
Pushing my slow machine to its limit...heck ...not yet freeze ...keeping my fingers crossed! :)
#linux #research #linuxadmin #sysadmin #emacs #git #portage #gentoo #emerge #opensource #btop
#linux #research #linuxadmin #sysadmin #emacs #git #portage #gentoo #emerge #opensource #btop
Pushing my slow machine to its limit...heck ...not yet freeze ...keeping my fingers crossed! :)
#linux #research #linuxadmin #sysadmin #emacs #git #emerge #gentoo #portage #opensource #btop
#linux #research #linuxadmin #sysadmin #emacs #git #emerge #gentoo #portage #opensource #btop
Experimenting with image posting ;) here ...
#btop #linux #gentoo #sysadmin #linuxadmin #opensource