ICYMI - we had a blast at @inwerken last week, with a double helping of #SAPBTP goodness, in the form of an #SAPCodeJam and the inaugural #BTPcon.
Read all about it here: https://groups.community.sap.com/t5/application-development-blog/double-sap-btp-goodness-in-isernhagen/ba-p/254614
New post: "Double SAP BTP goodness in Isernhagen" https://groups.community.sap.com/t5/application-development-blog/double-sap-btp-goodness-in-isernhagen/ba-p/254614
#SAPBTP #btpcon #sapcodejam #jq
On my way to Hannover for the #SAPCodeJam tomorrow and #BTPcon on Friday 🚀 http://btpcon.org #SAPBTP
Developer Advocates on tour.