Another #MaxMorning.
After a lovely #Walk in the #Snowy #Woods, Max found a patch of #Mud when we got home & tried to #Prance through the house like he was #Clean as a #Whistle.
This led to our first #SelfServe #Bath at #BubblyPaws, which was WAY better than using the shower.
The #photos tell the #Story:
1. #Really?
2. I'm not looking at you.
3. Ok I'm #Sorry.
4. #Beyonce
5. Lets #StartOver
#Maximoo #Maxodon #Labrador #Blacklab
#GardenersDog #Dog
#maxmorning #walk #snowy #woods #mud #prance #clean #whistle #selfserve #bath #bubblypaws #photos #story #really #sorry #beyonce #startover #maximoo #maxodon #labrador #blacklab #gardenersdog #dog #dogsofmastodon #boop