Filed under “Things Never Change” 👉–1904
Rats may not have caused the Black Death | The Independent
The Bubonic Plague killed millions in Europe between 1347 and 1353
#blackdeath #bubonicplague #rats
An Illustrated History Of The World’s Deadliest Epidemics, From Ancient Rome To Covid-19 [Mapped]
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #pandemic #global #epidemic #covid19 #climatechange #death #disease #pestilence #travel #covid #globaltrade #publichealth #spatialanalysis #history #analytics #environmental #flu #influenza #cholera #typhus #HIV #AIDS #smallpox #BlackDeath #bubonicplague #JohnSnow #gischat #storymaps
#gis #spatial #mapping #Pandemic #global #epidemic #COVID19 #climatechange #death #disease #pestilence #Travel #COVID #globaltrade #publichealth #spatialanalysis #history #analytics #environmental #flu #influenza #cholera #typhus #hiv #aids #smallpox #BlackDeath #bubonicplague #johnsnow #gischat #storymaps
The Tyee: We Need a Revolution in Clean Indoor Air (in Analysis) #bcnews #TheTyee - via #AmericanSocietyofHeating,RefrigeratingandAir-ConditioningEngineers #MechanicalEngineeringmagazine #EdwardGoldsteinHarvard #COVID-19transmission #wastewaterdisposal #JosephBazalgette #CharlesForsberg #choleraepidemic #KimberlyPrather #BubonicPlague #YaneerBar-Yam #RichardCorsi #BlackDeath #LinseyMarr #EricTopol #longCOVID
#BCNews #TheTyee #americansocietyofheating #mechanicalengineeringmagazine #edwardgoldsteinharvard #covid #wastewaterdisposal #josephbazalgette #charlesforsberg #choleraepidemic #kimberlyprather #bubonicplague #yaneerbar #richardcorsi #blackdeath #linseymarr #erictopol #LongCovid
The Tyee: We Need a Revolution in Clean Indoor Air (in Analysis) #bcnews #TheTyee - via #AmericanSocietyofHeating,RefrigeratingandAir-ConditioningEngineers #MechanicalEngineeringmagazine #EdwardGoldsteinHarvard #COVID-19transmission #wastewaterdisposal #JosephBazalgette #CharlesForsberg #choleraepidemic #KimberlyPrather #BubonicPlague #YaneerBar-Yam #RichardCorsi #BlackDeath #LinseyMarr #EricTopol #longCOVID
#BCNews #TheTyee #americansocietyofheating #mechanicalengineeringmagazine #edwardgoldsteinharvard #covid #wastewaterdisposal #josephbazalgette #charlesforsberg #choleraepidemic #kimberlyprather #bubonicplague #yaneerbar #richardcorsi #blackdeath #linseymarr #erictopol #LongCovid
New review: A mightily interesting book, The World the Plague Made retells the story of the rise of Europe as if the plague mattered.
#Books #BookReview #Bookstodon #History #Disease #Pandemics #Plague #BubonicPlague #Scicomm
#scicomm #bubonicplague #plague #pandemics #disease #history #bookstodon #bookreview #books
New review: A formidable academic achievement, The Complete History of the Black Death is an exhaustive analysis of the plague's spread and mortality in medieval Europe that is highly valuable to scholars working on the history of infectious disease, but is not light reading material.
#Books #BookReview #History #BlackDeath #Plague #BubonicPlague #Pandemics #InfectiousDisease
#infectiousdisease #pandemics #bubonicplague #plague #blackdeath #history #bookreview #books
New disaster hanging on the neck of the mankind? #Bubonicplague
Black Death spread by human fleas and lice, research shows
#plague #yersiniapestis #bubonicplague #blackdeath #history #disease #pandemic
#plague #yersiniapestis #bubonicplague #blackdeath #history #disease #pandemic