Netreisetagebuch · @netreisetagebuch
35 followers · 80 posts · Server

Passend zum Jahreswechsel ist es an der Zeit, eine Bucket List zu erstellen.
Was habe ich in meinem Leben noch alles vor und was will ich davon speziell in der nächsten Zeit alles erreichen? Ich verrate dir, welche Vorhaben und Ziele auf meiner Bucket List 2023 stehen.

#bucketlist #bucketlist2023 #reiseblog #jahresplan

Last updated 2 years ago

Obbzy · @obbzy
19 followers · 175 posts · Server

Happy 2023 to all on .
I am hoping this year that these resolutions stick....
1. Health comes first (7 months of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome like symptoms from the Pfizer booster has made me realise that without good health, physical or mental, then you are merely existing, not living).
2. Family comes in next. Without good physical and mental health, the family unit suffers.
3. Keep active. Use it or lose it.
4. Keep on top of workloads, just in case the health situation goes South again.
5. Lose 15kg. (Done it before, can do it again).
6. Hobbies. Doing those enjoyable things is good for personal wellbeing. Lots of guitar, listening to music, reading, video gaming, cars, sport, entertainment etc...
7. Develop a bucket list. I'm not getting any younger, and poor health could strike again. Time to do things I've always wanted to do.
8. See friends more often. I feel COVID has forced us to lose touch with people on a personal level. Catching up is a must.
9. Don't accept negativity from others. People who bring others down generally are trying to deflect from their own deficiencies. Naysayers and "can't do" types should be avoided or ignored. I don't need that sh*t in my life.
10. Take time out for me. Appreciate the simple pleasures in life.

#mastodon #nye #newyearsresolutions #happiness #bucketlist2023

Last updated 2 years ago

AetherEgo · @AetherEgo
95 followers · 896 posts · Server

At the moment, it looks like a rather quiet 2023 in terms of novelties.
On my so far:

: I‘m not into or clones (), maybe an exception.
: Great expectations.
: Don’t expect a physical release any time soon…
: - In my opinion, this blows out of the water
: Not so great expectations.
: is undead. Maybe this will revive it for me.

#roleplaying #ttrpg #bucketlist2023 #13thage2e #dnd #osr #Pendragon #paragonblade #Stonetop #PbtA #dungeonworld #warhammer40k #imperiummaledictum #Werewolf #WoD #ttrpg23

Last updated 2 years ago