We're not going to bother getting our #submersible #safety-rated because “[t]he vast majority of marine (and aviation) accidents are a result of operator error, not mechanical failure,” is certainly a #novel take on things.
Not perhaps one I would have run with, but they didn't ask me.
For anyone wondering why safety and design is critical for submersibles, at 3800m depth the pressure is around 5400 psi. A #crack or #buckle converts you into a #pink #mist #instantly.
#submersible #Safety #novel #crack #buckle #pink #mist #Instantly #oceangate #tragedy
Kraft belt buckle "Klamra".
A present for my birthday.
Material: brass.
Made in Lviv, Ukraine.
#buckle #belt #madeinUkraine
Von Luzy´s Pirate Leather
Piraten Schiff Buckle mit hell-braunem Rumpf - 28,00 €
Größe: 78 x 73 x 5 mm
Riemenbreite: 4 cm
Material: Zamak,
Farbe: Silbern, "Schiffsrumpf" hellbraun
Gerne fertige ich auch den passenden Gürtel dazu. Schreiben Sie mich dazu über e-mail-kontakt(at)lpl-shop.de an
#luzyspirateleather #larp #pirat #piraten #Buckle #Piratenschiff #Schiff #gürtelschnalle
Bestellung hier: https://lpl-shop.de/de/Piraten-Schiff-Buckle-hellbraun.html
#luzyspirateleather #larp #pirat #piraten #buckle #Piratenschiff #Schiff #gurtelschnalle
So one time I vented on #Twitter about how the #leather on EVERY #LeatherBelt I've used either cracked or broke, and someone sent me a link to a #MillitaryBelt on #Amazon.
I bought it, and for a while it seemed to work... Until last night, THIS happened.
This is supposed to be one piece, that holds the belt tight in side the #buckle. Somehow it broke midway and the pieces fell out.
Am I going to have to resign to #suspenders for the rest of my life?
Or will they just break on me, too?
#suspenders #buckle #amazon #millitarybelt #leatherbelt #leather #twitter