Buckminster Fuller Explains Why Politics Is Obsolete
Buckminster Fuller explains how politics has become an obsolete modality due to the accessibility of information and the abundance of provisions. He makes a case for why we no longer need politicians to mediate large-scale decision-making.
#buckyfuller #politicians #obsolete #modality
Bucky Fuller's Most Complex Invention May Have Been Himself https://www.archdaily.com/998130/bucky-fullers-most-complex-invention-may-have-been-himself
Alway like seeing an article about Bucky Fuller. A man ahead of his time.
Just finished listening to the @davetroy podcast episode, Mysteries of Eurasia, with Joe Szimhart. A dive into deep water, including western esoteric thought, occult beliefs and their relationship to Russia's war on the west. Packed with info and a great way to connect the dots on a massive canvass. Relevant, timely and challenging.
#davetroy #joeszimhart
#theforce #qanon #ideas #occult #russia #putin #shambhala #buckyfuller #syncretism #noosphere #infowars
#davetroy #joeszimhart #theforce #qanon #ideas #occult #Russia #Putin #shambhala #buckyfuller #syncretism #noosphere #infowars
Listening to a great 'Dave Troy Presents' podcast with author Alec Nevala-Lee on iconic designer & futurist Bucky Fuller. Touches on themes such as the human potential movement, the counter-culture and the overlap with misinformation and disinformation. What a Venn diagram. Nevala-Lee writes that Fuller's deepest insights deserve to be part of every thinking person's life.
#davetroy #buckyfuller #alecnevala