My book is available for review on Reading Religion. C'mon. You know you wanna review it!
#MakingAmericanBuddhism #Buddhism #BuddhistStudies
#makingamericanbuddhism #buddhism #buddhiststudies
New Books in Buddhist Studies podcast interview with me! About my book! Listen here or on your podcast listening device of choice!
#makingamericanbuddhism #buddhism #buddhiststudies
Know someone who does research or works on #race & #religion in America; #WorldWarII; Japanese American internment; the post-war occupation of Japan; the #ColdWar; the #BeatGeneration; American Buddhism, Asian America Studies; #BuddhistStudies? Tell them about the book! 6/
#race #religion #worldwarii #coldwar #BeatGeneration #buddhiststudies
It would be useful if Buddhist Studies academics were to declare a conflict of interest based on their membership of, and status within, a religious sect.
Religious people are biased. And such bias is inconsistent with open intellectual inquiry. It leads to apologetics in place of critical scholarship. Apologetics are rife in Buddhist Studies.
My 14th article on the Heart Sutra is now published:
Attwood, J. 2023. "The Heart Sutra Revisited." [Review article]. Buddhist Studies Review. 39(2): 229-254.
A review of five articles on the Heart Sutra in a special issue of Acta Asiatica (121).
This article was reviewed by two editors, but was not anonymously "peer reviewed".
#buddhiststudies #buddhism #buddhist
From Kahrs, E. (1998) Indian Semantic Analysis.
Durga's commentary on the Nirukta s.v. "skandha"...
(6.17b) skandho vṛkṣasya samāskannaṃ bhavati | ayam apītaraḥ skandha etasmād eva | āskannaṃ kāye |
skandhaḥ (skandhas- nt.) 'branching crown' of a tree [is so called because it] is
attached (samāskannam: sam-ā√skand) [to it]; this other skandhaḥ (skandha- m.;
'shoulder') [is so called] for the very same reason: it is attached to the body. (p. 148)
More evidence that normative #Buddhist religious texts are a poor guide to the history of #Buddhism
Shaw, Julia. (2013). "Archaeologies of Buddhist propagation in ancient India: ritual and practical models of religious change." World Archaeology 45(1): 83-108.
Also rare to see Buddhist history described as a process rather than as merely episodic. The question "Why change?" is actually addressed for a change.
#buddhist #buddhism #buddhiststudies
The oldest Prajñāpāramitā manuscript was C-14 dated to ca 70 CE.
The oldest artefact with Pāḷi writing is from the 6th century CE & the oldest actual ms of a Pāli text is from the 9th century CE.
Pāli texts do not necessarily predate Prajñāpāramitā texts. Nor do they necessarily represent an earlier period of Indian history.
#buddhiststudies #buddhism
Del Toso, Krishna. (2015) "The Function of saññā in the Perceptual Process According to the Sutta-piṭaka: An Assessment." Philosophy East and West 65(3): 690-716.
A very useful overview of this key Buddhist technical term that proves Roy Norman's dictum that what has been done needs to be done again.
I also conclude that saññā denotes "recognition" (i.e. cognition + naming) but my emphasis is that it's naming *the experience*.
Max Deeg. (2020) "Many biographies – multiple individualities: the identities of the Chinese Buddhist monk Xuanzang."
"Religious biographies construct lives between individuality and religious functionality or purpose."
Deeg's investigations of Xuanzang are insightful and worth pondering.
I recommend this lecture by Sarah Mattice and her book Exploring the Heart Sutra.
Sarah didn't know Huifeng (2014) or any of my work when she published this. Which I would normally treat as a fatal error. Still her approach has a great deal to recommend it and is a worthwhile fresh take: at some point I'd like to see a synthesis of Mattice's work with mine.
#buddhiststudies #heartsutra #buddhism
New blog post on that burning question: What's the Difference Between a Meditator and Corpse?
(Some comments on the Mahāvedalla Sutta MN 43)
Properly wonkish take...
Newberg, J. D. and Nash, A. B. 2023. "An updated classification of meditation methods using principles of taxonomy and systematics." Frontiers in Psychology.
#meditation #buddhism #buddhiststudies
"I do not see much in common between Nāgārjuna’s emptiness and that of Maitreya" (Skilling 2007, 231).
Skilling, Peter. (2007). Mṛgara’s Mother’s Mansion: Emptiness and the Śūnyatā Sūtras. Journal of Indian and Tibetan Studies 11, 225-247.
“Katamo ca, bhikkhave, lokassa samudayo? Cakkhuñca paṭicca rūpe ca uppajjati cakkhuviññāṇaṃ. Tiṇṇaṃ saṅgati phasso. Phassapaccayā vedanā; vedanāpaccayā taṇhā; taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ; upādānapaccayā bhavo; bhavapaccayā jāti; jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ sokaparidevadukkhadomanassupāyāsā sambhavanti. Ayaṃ kho, bhikkhave, lokassa samudayo.
loka = kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa
The use of the term "consciousness" in discussing ancient Buddhist discourses is a Whiggish anachronism, in which we imagine ancient Indians to just be primitive versions of, and precursors to, ourselves rather than a distinctive culture in their own right.
#buddhiststudies #buddhistphilosophy
"At least for academic Buddhist studies, the phenomenon of scholars becoming apologists for Iron Age or Medieval metaphysics is a major problem, especially in the supposedly allied field of Madhyamaka studies."
From a forthcoming article.
#buddhiststudies #indianphilosophy
Ironically, Edward Conze's belief in a transcendent magical reality in which "all is one" and "A is not-A" has no counterpart in any form of #Buddhism AFAIK.
The religion in which we do find this kind of thinking is #Hinduism, especially forms of Advaita #Vedanta.
#Conze had a lot more in common with Vedanta, especially as interpreted through the mind of Madam #Blavatsky, than he did with Buddhism.
#buddhism #hinduism #vedanta #conze #blavatsky #indianphilosophy #buddhiststudies
Today I completed the redrafting of chapter four of my new book, an #ethnography of contemporary past-life memory in #Cambodia, from a perspective that combines #anthropology and #BuddhistStudies.
This chapter is about a young girl who remembered being her own uncle, and was given an unhatched egg to eat, in an attempt to force past-life amnesia.
In the process, I discuss themes of #memory, #ritual failure, the notion of progressive moral dependency, and the idea of the self. #Buddhism
#ethnography #cambodia #anthropology #buddhiststudies #memory #ritual #buddhism
Today I completed the redrafting of chapter four of my new book, an #ethnography of contemporary past-life memory in #Cambodia, from a perspective that combines #anthropology and #BuddhistStudies.
This chapter is about a young girl you remembered being her own uncle, and was given an unhatched egg to eat, in an attempt to force past-life amnesia.
In the process, I discuss themes of #memory, #ritual failure, the notion of progressive moral dependency, and the idea of the self. #Buddhism
#ethnography #cambodia #anthropology #buddhiststudies #memory #ritual #buddhism