Butler Cove, Budd Inlet, Olympia, WA
June 20, 2014
#ButlerCove #BuddInlet #OlympiaWA #PugetSound #PacificNorthwest #SilentSunday
#silentsunday #PacificNorthWest #pugetsound #olympiawa #buddinlet #butlercove
Here’s a fun set.
1. View from Washington State Capitol grounds across Capitol Lake to West Bay and Budd Inlet.
June 20, 2014
2. View back from Port Plaza viewing tower of marina with the Washington State Capitol beyond on the hill.
June 21, 2014
#OlympiaWA #WashingtonStateCapitol #BuddInlet #marina #PortPlaza
#portplaza #marina #buddinlet #washingtonstatecapitol #olympiawa
East Bay and Boston Harbor, Budd Inlet, Olympia, WA
June 20, 2014
#pugetsound #bostonharbor #olympiawa #eastbay #buddinlet