Had an awesome day of #POTA. Did a quick activation of Mayakka State Forest K-4632 with 10 in the log including W1AW (not pictured.) Then to K-1874 Gasparilla State Park where I operated from the beach just before sunset. Absolutely beautiful. It’s true what they say about salt water. I got 49 in the log with great signal reports with my #icom705 5w and #buddistickpro. I’ll hopefully have time for one more activation tomorrow before I head back to the frozen tundra of Minnesota.
Had a great #POTA at Stump Pass State Park K-1920 in Florida today! 37 CW in the log and a beautiful hike in and out at sunset. 5W with an #Icom705 and #BuddiStickPro. This was probably my favorite activation to date although it could be because I left Minnesota at -15 degrees to come here.
I feel like I’ve just gotten over some sort of #CWMorse hump where before 10-15 contacts would melt my brain and now I feel like I can do it all day. I’ll be back tomorrow for another round on the beach!
#pota #icom705 #buddistickpro #cwmorse