On September 7, 2012, Spring Breakers premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival. Here’s some art!
#SpringBreakers #HarmonyKorine #StonerComedy #CrimeFilm #BuddyComedy #AvantGardeFilm #NeoNoir #Satire #BlackComedy #MovieArt #Art #JamesFranco #MovieHistory
#springbreakers #harmonykorine #stonercomedy #crimefilm #buddycomedy #avantgardefilm #neonoir #Satire #blackcomedy #movieart #art #jamesfranco #moviehistory
On July 7, 1995, Tommy Boy debuted in Germany. Here’s some original Chris Farley fan art!
#TommyBoy #PeterSegal #ChrisFarley #DavidSpade #LorneMichaels #BuddyComedy #RoadMovie #ComedyMovie #ScrewballComedy #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#tommyboy #petersegal #chrisfarley #davidspade #lornemichaels #buddycomedy #roadmovie #comedymovie #screwballcomedy #art #movieart #moviehistory
On July 4, 1981, The Blues Brothers debuted in Taiwan. Here’s some Jake and Elwood fan art!
#TheBluesBrothers #JohnLandis MusicalMovie #MonsterVision #MusicalComedy #BuddyComedy#Art #ScrewballComedy #SaturdayNightLive #DanAykroyd #JohnBelushi #MovieHistory
#thebluesbrothers #johnlandis #monstervision #musicalcomedy #buddycomedy #screwballcomedy #saturdaynightlive #danaykroyd #johnbelushi #moviehistory
On July 2, 2007, Beavis and Butthead do America debuted in France. Here’s some fan art to celebrate!
#BeavisAndButtheadDoAmerica #MikeJudge #BeavisAndButthead #GenX #Cartoons #BuddyComedy #AnimatedFilm #TeenComedy #Movies #90sMovies #CensoredFilm #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#beavisandbuttheaddoamerica #mikejudge #beavisandbutthead #genx #cartoons #buddycomedy #animatedfilm #teencomedy #movies #90smovies #censoredfilm #movieart #moviehistory
On July 2, 1997, Kingpin was released on VHS in Finland. Here’s a drawing of Woody Harrelson to celebrate!
#Kingpin #FarrellyBrothers #ComedyMovies #SportsComedy #BuddyComedy #RoadComedy #Slapstick #90sMovies #BlackComedy ##PenDrawing #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#kingpin #farrellybrothers #comedymovies #sportscomedy #buddycomedy #roadcomedy #slapstick #90smovies #blackcomedy #pendrawing #art #movieart #moviehistory
June 29, 2007, Clerks II debuted to a limited release in Brazil. Here’s some Jay and Silent Bob art!
#ClerksII #KevinSmith #StonerComedy #SlackerFilm #BuddyComedy #JayAndSilentBob #ViewAskew #JasonMewes #ViewAskewniverse #NewJersey #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#clerksii #kevinsmith #stonercomedy #slackerfilm #buddycomedy #jayandsilentbob #viewaskew #jasonmewes #viewaskewniverse #newjersey #art #movieart #moviehistory
On June 26, 2001, Dude, Where’s My Car? was released on DVD in the United States. Here’s some Post-It note art to mark the occasion!
#DudeWheresMyCar #DannyLeiner #SeannWilliamScott #AshtonKutcher #StonerComedy #StonerMovies #StonerArt #BuddyComedy #ScrewballComedy #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#dudewheresmycar #dannyleiner #seannwilliamscott #ashtonkutcher #stonercomedy #stonermovies #stonerart #buddycomedy #screwballcomedy #art #movieart #moviehistory
On June 25, 1992, Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey debuted in Spain. Here’s a portrait of William Sadler!
#BillAndTedsBogusJourney #WilliamSadler #ComedyMovies #FantasyComedy #1990sComedy #BuddyComedy #CultCinema #ScrewballComedy #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#billandtedsbogusjourney #williamsadler #comedymovies #fantasycomedy #1990scomedy #buddycomedy #cultcinema #screwballcomedy #art #movieart #moviehistory
On June 15, 1974, Cops and Robbers debuted in Japan. Here’s a sketch of Cliff Gorman!
#CopsAndRobbers #AramAvakian #CliffGorman #CrimeComedyMovies #BuddyComedy #BuddyCopFilm #70sMovies #HeistFilm #1970s #TCMUnderground #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#copsandrobbers #aramavakian #cliffgorman #crimecomedymovies #buddycomedy #buddycopfilm #70smovies #heistfilm #1970s #tcmunderground #art #movieart #moviehistory
On June 9, 1990, Weekend at Bernies debuted in Japan. Here’s some Terry Kiser fan art!
#WeekendAtBernies #TedKotcheff #TerryKiser #BlackComedy #CrimeComedy #BuddyComedy #ComedyMovies #80sMovies #ScrewballComedy #1980s #PenDrawing #BookArt #FanArt #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#weekendatbernies #tedkotcheff #terrykiser #blackcomedy #crimecomedy #buddycomedy #comedymovies #80smovies #screwballcomedy #1980s #pendrawing #bookart #FanArt #art #movieart #moviehistory
Happy National Best Friends Day cult cinema fans! Here's some original art inspired by some of my favorite buddy comedy movies to mark the occasion!
#NationalBestFriendsDay #GhostWorld #Clerks #Friday #BillAndTedsExcellentAdventure #BuddyComedy #BuddyMovies #StonerComedyMovies #ComedyMovies #Art #FanArt
#nationalbestfriendsday #ghostworld #clerks #friday #billandtedsexcellentadventure #buddycomedy #buddymovies #stonercomedymovies #comedymovies #art #FanArt
On May 28, 1993, Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey debuted in Spain. Here’s a Post-It note sketch of William Sadler!
#BillAndTedsBogusJourney #WilliamSadler #ComedyMovies #FantasyComedy #1990sComedy #BuddyComedy #CultCinema #ScrewballComedy #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#billandtedsbogusjourney #williamsadler #comedymovies #fantasycomedy #1990scomedy #buddycomedy #cultcinema #screwballcomedy #art #movieart #moviehistory
On May 28, 1993, Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey debuted in Spain. Here’s a portrait of William Sadler!
#BillAndTedsBogusJourney #WilliamSadler #ComedyMovies #FantasyComedy #1990sComedy #BuddyComedy #CultCinema #ScrewballComedy #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#billandtedsbogusjourney #williamsadler #comedymovies #fantasycomedy #1990scomedy #buddycomedy #cultcinema #screwballcomedy #art #movieart #moviehistory
On April 18, 2015, The Blues Brothers was screened at the Dallas International Film Festival. Here’s some Jake and Elwood fan art!
#TheBluesBrothers #JohnLandis MusicalMovie #MonsterVision #MusicalComedy #BuddyComedy#Art #ScrewballComedy #SaturdayNightLive #DanAykroyd #JohnBelushi #MovieHistory
#thebluesbrothers #johnlandis #monstervision #musicalcomedy #buddycomedy #screwballcomedy #saturdaynightlive #danaykroyd #johnbelushi #moviehistory
On April 15, 1999, Office Space debuted in Australia. Here’s some Lundburgh fan art to celebrate!
#OfficeSpace #MikeJudge #90sMovies #GaryCole #ComedyMovies #BlackComedy #Satire #WorkplaceComedy #BuddyComedy #BusinessFilm #SatiricalFilm #MovieArt #Art #MovieHistory
#officespace #mikejudge #90smovies #garycole #comedymovies #blackcomedy #Satire #workplacecomedy #buddycomedy #businessfilm #satiricalfilm #movieart #art #moviehistory
On April 11, 2013, Spring Breakers debuted in the Netherlands. Here’s some James Franco art!
#SpringBreakers #HarmonyKorine #StonerComedy #CrimeFilm #BuddyComedy #AvantGardeFilm #NeoNoir #Satire #BlackComedy #MovieArt #Art #JamesFranco #MovieHistory
#springbreakers #harmonykorine #stonercomedy #crimefilm #buddycomedy #avantgardefilm #neonoir #Satire #blackcomedy #movieart #art #jamesfranco #moviehistory
On April 7, 1995 Dumb and Dumber debuted in the United Kingdom. Here’s some art inspired by the film’s VHS box!
#DumbAndDumber #FarrellyBrothers #JimCarrey #JeffDaniels# #90sMovies #ScrewballComedy #RoadMovie #BuddyComedy #RoadComedy #Providence #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#dumbanddumber #farrellybrothers #jimcarrey #jeffdaniels #90smovies #screwballcomedy #roadmovie #buddycomedy #roadcomedy #providence #art #movieart #moviehistory
On February 1, 1995, Clerks debuted in Italy. Here’s some Dante and Randal art to mark the occasion!
#Clerks #KevinSmith #IndependentFilm #ViewAskew #BlackAndWhiteFilm #BuddyComedy #QuickStop #RSTVideo ##MovieArt #Art #PopArt #Drawing #ModernArt #MovieHistory
#clerks #kevinsmith #independentfilm #viewaskew #blackandwhitefilm #buddycomedy #quickstop #rstvideo #movieart #art #popart #drawing #modernart #moviehistory
On March 16, 1990, Weekend at Bernies debuted in the United Kingdom. Here’s some Terry Kiser fan art!
#WeekendAtBernies #TedKotcheff #TerryKiser #BlackComedy #CrimeComedy #BuddyComedy #ComedyMovies #80sMovies #ScrewballComedy #1980s #PenDrawing #BookArt #FanArt #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#weekendatbernies #tedkotcheff #terrykiser #blackcomedy #crimecomedy #buddycomedy #comedymovies #80smovies #screwballcomedy #1980s #pendrawing #bookart #FanArt #art #movieart #moviehistory
On February 17, 1989, Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure debuted in the United States. Here’s some Alex Winter and Keanu Reeves art to celebrate!
#BillAndTedsExcellentAdventure #80sMovies #ComedyMovies #SciFiMovies #ScrewballComedy #StonerComedy #BuddyComedy #Art #BillAndTed #BillSPrestonEsq #AlexWinter #KeanuReeves #MovieHIstory
#billandtedsexcellentadventure #80smovies #comedymovies #scifimovies #screwballcomedy #stonercomedy #buddycomedy #art #billandted #billsprestonesq #alexwinter #keanureeves #moviehistory