Biden asks for additional $24 billion for Ukraine #Biden #Congress #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #Russia #Budget2023 #Military #McCarthy #Schumer #McConnell #politicaliq #news #politics
#biden #congress #ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #russia #budget2023 #military #mccarthy #Schumer #mcconnell #politicaliq #News #politics Red Line With Syed Talat Hussain | 24 July 2023 | O31P #AleemKhan #arnyact #BalighUrRehman #BreakingNews #Budget2023 #ChiefJustice #ElectionCommission #ElectionInPunjab #IMF #ImranKhan #ImranKhanRally #IrfanQadir #LatestNews #PakistaniNews #PDMGovernment #PmImranKhan #PMShahbazSharif #PTI #QaziFaizIsa #RanaSanaulaah #RanaSanaullah #RedLineWithSyedTalatHussain|24Ju #REDLINE #SamaaNews #SamaaNewsLive #SAMAATV #SamaaTVLive #SupremeCourt #SupremeCourt #TopNews
#aleemkhan #arnyact #balighurrehman #breakingnews #budget2023 #chiefjustice #electioncommission #electioninpunjab #imf #imrankhan #imrankhanrally #irfanqadir #latestnews #pakistaninews #pdmgovernment #pmimrankhan #pmshahbazsharif #pti #qazifaizisa #ranasanaulaah #ranasanaullah #redlinewithsyedtalathussain #redline #samaanews #samaanewslive #samaatv #samaatvlive #supremecourt #topnews
Global News BC: ‘Next generation’ of federal infrastructure funding to come by fall: minister #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #InvestinginCanadaInfrastructureProgram #infrastructurefundingcanada #Canadainfrastructure #infrastructurecanada #infrastucturefunding #DominicLeBlanc #Infrastructure #buildingcosts #Homebuilding #Budget2023 #Politics #Economy #Canada
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #investingincanadainfrastructureprogram #infrastructurefundingcanada #canadainfrastructure #InfrastructureCanada #infrastucturefunding #dominicleblanc #infrastructure #buildingcosts #Homebuilding #budget2023 #politics #economy #Canada
Usually when trying to escape from or cope with nagging financial challenges and troubles, the feeling of financial stress can be suffocatingly overwhelming on us, it feels like drowning. It doesn't matter whether you are a newbie or an old hand with many years of experience in business: interacting with financial storms with a view to overcoming them, is never an easy task.
#growth #Economy #budget2023 #welfare #Financing #wealthcreation #maximized #businesstips
#growth #Economy #budget2023 #welfare #financing #wealthcreation #maximized #businesstips
Biden Says He Put Another $1 Trillion in Spending Cuts on the Table #Biden #McCarthy #DebtCeiling #DebtCeilingCrisis #default #Budget2023 #Congress #politicaliq #news #politics
#biden #mccarthy #debtceiling #debtceilingcrisis #default #budget2023 #congress #politicaliq #News #politics
@kentparkstreet Well, we couldn't have that, could we? 🙄
As long as it's not *just* him, I'm slightly less concerned but Labor does seem to be continuing the NOalition's "to those who have more shall be given" approach to government largesse.
#LebensmittelEinzelhandel #Einzelhandel #Versandhandel #Umsatzrückgang #Umsatzeinbruch #Umsatz #Inflation #Teuerung #Politikversagen #Habeck #Scholz #Budget2023 #Verarmung #Verdi #Lohnzuwachs #Tarifabschluss #Bürgergeld #Lebensmittelinflation
Der scharfe Umsatzrückgang im Einzelhandel, die Lebensmittelinflation, das nie ausreichende Budget, der EDEKA-Kampf und Politik zum Abgewöhnen und neu denken | Briefing 185 | Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft, Politik
#lebensmitteleinzelhandel #einzelhandel #versandhandel #umsatzruckgang #umsatzeinbruch #umsatz #inflation #teuerung #politikversagen #habeck #scholz #budget2023 #verarmung #verdi #lohnzuwachs #tarifabschluss #burgergeld #lebensmittelinflation
I have always found the whole #Budget2023 thing unseemly. A bit like December where we all go to parties leading up to the big day but we, the public, aren’t invited to the parties or the big day.
RT @BelindaJones68
You know what is annoying around Budget time?
The drip feed of what might be coming in #Budget2023
Fucking pisses me off, either tell us everything or don't say anything until next Tuesday.
This ain't a trailer to a movie, this is our lives, don't dick us around.
Solidarity with faculty, grad students, and others walking out today across Canada. It's far past time for major increases in federal investment in science - scholarships, fellowships, grants, and more.
RT @SupportOurSci
Support Our Science Nationwide Walkout is TODAY! This is a protest to @cafreeland & @JustinTrudeau's #budget2023! SOS is advocating for increased federal investments in scholarships, fellowships & grants to suppo…
The world's begun its #RaceToNetZero & with #Budget2023 so has Canada, but what of Alberta, who've thus far announced no real plan beyond the status quo? Our latest #ClimateLens episode tackles this subject and more
#yyc #abpoli #EnergyTransition #Climate #ClimateChange #NetZero #yyc #abpoli #cdnpoli #Urbanism #WarOnCars #CityBuilding #NetZero
#racetonetzero #budget2023 #climatelens #yyc #abpoli #energytransition #climate #climatechange #netzero #cdnpoli #urbanism #waroncars #citybuilding
I hope they listen. The RBA is not a friend of the proletariat. #JimChalmers #paulkeating #Budget2023 #RBA
#jimchalmers #paulkeating #budget2023 #rba
We must act now to end poverty in Australia. So today we joined advocates, leaders, experts, politicians, and the other major church providers to call for an increase to JobSeeker in this year's federal budget. If not now, when?
Read more:
#auspol #budget2023 #raisetherate
#Biden Blasts #McCarthy's Debt Plan as "Huge Cuts" to U.S. Programs #DebtCeiling #SpendingCuts #Budget2023 #politicaliq #news #politics
#biden #mccarthy #debtceiling #spendingcuts #budget2023 #politicaliq #News #politics
#McCarthy Takes #DebtCeiling Fight to Wall Street #NYSE #Biden #Yellen #Treasury #Debt #Budget2023 #politicaliq #news #politics
#mccarthy #debtceiling #nyse #biden #Yellen #treasury #debt #budget2023 #politicaliq #News #politics
RT @SupportOurSci
If you think #GradStudents & #Postdocs were left out of #Budget2023 & should receive more Federal funding through scholarships & grants, Walk Out across Canada on May 1 at 1PM EST.
👉To participate or organize a walkout RSVP at
#budget2023 #Postdocs #gradstudents
Giving Canadians the ‘right to repair’ empowers consumers, supports competition and benefits the environment
#Canada #Economy #Environment #Technology #FederalBudget #Competition #Smartphones #Computers #RightToRepair #Budget2023
#canada #economy #environment #technology #federalbudget #Competition #Smartphones #computers #righttorepair #budget2023
RT @SupportOurSci
NATIONWIDE WALKOUT: If you think 🇨🇦 grad students & post docs deserve more funding from @JustinTrudeau & @cafreeland through awards & grants then join #SupportOurScience & walkout on May 1 #mayday #budget2023
Watch for more details here & at on TUESDAY
#supportourscience #mayday #budget2023
#Budget2023 🧵 /11
Every human looking for people's votes anywhere in the world should be able to articulate their plan for the #EnergyTransition. Here in Alberta that goes double. As far as the already-upon-us GLOBAL #RaceToNetZero the time has come for Albertans to not hide but to lead & prosper.
#yyc #abpoli #ableg #NetZero #RaceToNetZero #ZeroEmissionTransition #cdnpoli #ClimateChange
#budget2023 #energytransition #racetonetzero #yyc #abpoli #ableg #netzero #zeroemissiontransition #cdnpoli #climatechange
#Budget2023 🧵 /10
I went to #CalgaryEconomicDevelopment's 2023 Economic forecast in Nov 2022. A dozen times #EnergyTransition was mentioned positively onstage. I felt like getting up on my table & shouting "welcome to the party". The message: #YYC's businesses get it.
Our business community sees themselves as national leaders, not laggards & are fully capably of reading the transition writing on the wall. The fact is #YYC gets it but nobody's talking to us about it.
#budget2023 #calgaryeconomicdevelopment #energytransition #yyc #abpoli #cdnpoli