Republican Chaos Is to Blame for the Fitch Downgrade
#FitchDowngrade #RepublicanChaos #USPolitics #EconomicImpact #BudgetCrisis #FinancialRating #Politics #News
#fitchdowngrade #republicanchaos #uspolitics #economicimpact #budgetcrisis #financialrating #politics #news
US debt ceiling: Republican hard-right vows to sink deal hours before vote expected
#TheGuardian #USDebtCeiling #RepublicanHardRight #SinkDeal #VoteExpected #BudgetCrisis #Politics #News
#theguardian #USdebtceiling #republicanhardright #sinkdeal #voteexpected #budgetcrisis #politics #news
@volkris You didn't "debunk" anything unless you can prove the Treasury pay out doesn't match how much Congress budgeted.
WHY does Congress have to raise the #DebtCeiling if what you say is true? Why would there be concern of Economic Catastrophe if they don't? Why was the U.S. Credit Rating downgraded from "AAA" to "AA+" in 2011?
"That fact alone disproves the idea..."
You're trying to absolve the Republican House of blame for the #BudgetCrisis and lay it all at the feet of the Biden Admin.