পরোক্ষ করের ভার যেহেতু সবাইকে বহন করতে হয়, তাই শুধু গরিবরাই ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত হবে তা নয়, আর্থিক অসাম্য বাড়তে বাড়তে যে চরম আকার ধারণ করেছে, তাও আরও বাড়বে। #budget নিয়ে নিত্য নন্দ #budgetsession #mastindia
#budget #budgetsession #mastindia
The bomb of Budget 2023
#Govt proposes removal of #JawaharlalNehru #Memorial, #IndiraGandhi Memorial and #RajivGandhi #Foundation from #80G Exemption.
#govt #jawaharlalnehru #memorial #indiragandhi #rajivgandhi #foundation #80g #budget2023 #budget #budgetsession
#loan #states #budget2023 #budget #budgetsession
2.40 trillion outlay for #railways
#railways #budget2023 #budget #budgetsession
#Sugar industry gets Rs. 10000 Cr relief
#sugar #budget2023 #budget #budgetsession
#Higher #Tds limit for 3 crores for #cooperative
#higher #tds #cooperative #budget2023 #budget #budgetsession
While presenting the Union Budget 2023-24 in Parliament, #FinanceMinister #NirmalaSitharaman said on Wednesday that all cities and towns in the country will be enabled for 100% mechanical de-sludging of #septictanks and #sewers.
#financeminister #nirmalasitharaman #septictanks #sewers #budget2023 #budget #budgetsession
#Microenterprises with a turnover of up to 2 crore and certain professionals with a turnover of up to 50 lakhs to get enhanced limits of 3 crores and 75 lakhs respectively.
#microenterprises #budget2023 #budget #budgetsession
#Tax relief up to 3.7 lakhs for customers whose cash receipt is 5%
#tax #budget2023 #budget #budgetsession
#Gold,#silver and #diamonds to get
More #expensive
#gold #silver #diamonds #expensive #budget2023 #budget #budgetsession
🍁#FinanceMinister #NirmalaSitharaman said today the #government will set up a National Digital Library for children and adolescents. The library will facilitate the availability of quality books across geographies, languages etc.
#financeminister #nirmalasitharaman #government #budget2023 #budget #budgetsession
#Cigarette to become #expensive by about 16%
#cigarette #expensive #budget2023 #budget #budgetsession
🍁#FinanceMinister #NirmalaSitharaman said today the #government will set up a National Digital Library for children and adolescents. The library will facilitate the availability of quality books across geographies, languages etc.
#financeminister #nirmalasitharaman #government #budget2023 #budget #budgetsession
50-year interest free loan to State governments extended for one more year: FM #NirmalaSitharaman
#nirmalasitharaman #budget2023 #budget #budgetsession
#imf #india #economy #budget2023 #budgetsession #budgetsession2023
பொருளாதார ஆய்வறிக்கை
சுய பாராட்டுப் பத்திரம். - தோழர் சீத்தாராம் யெச்சூரி
#Budget2021 #EconomicSurvey #BudgetSession
#Budget2021 #economicsurvey #budgetsession