In a world where people want things instantly without work the martial arts stands alone. It's about Learning Martial Arts, not Belt Rank! Follow this link to read more now. #martialarts #karate #budo
You just cannot make this stuff up!!! Seriously Zombies!! Chance favors the prepared mind, but this? Crazy gets crazier! Follow this link now to read the entire article. #martialarts #budo #karate #kosho #crazy
#martialarts #budo #karate #kosho #crazy 【感動】あの…国民的バイオリニスト宮本笑里さんと…共演させて頂きました!! #スタクラフェス #のだめカンタービレ ##桐朋 #budo #Budo’sPiano #pianist #PianistBudo #クラシック #クラシック音楽 #コンクール #コンクール挑戦 #サラサーテ #スタクラ #スタクラフェス #スタクラフェス2023 #ストピ #ストリートピアノ #ツィゴイネルワイゼン #のだめカンタービレ #ピアニスト #ピアノ #ピアノコンクール挑戦 #ピアノ練習 #ぶどう #ぶどうBudo #ぶどうとパジャマ #ぶどうとピアノ #ベートーヴェン #宮本笑里 #挑戦 #桐朋卒 #熱情 #超絶技巧 #音大 #音大卒
#スタクラフェス #のだめカンタービレ #桐朋 #budo #pianist #pianistbudo #クラシック #クラシック音楽 #コンクール #コンクール挑戦 #サラサーテ #スタクラ #スタクラフェス2023 #ストピ #ストリートピアノ #ツィゴイネルワイゼン #ピアニスト #ピアノ #ピアノコンクール挑戦 #ピアノ練習 #ぶどう #ぶどうbudo #ぶどうとパジャマ #ぶどうとピアノ #ベートーヴェン #宮本笑里 #挑戦 #桐朋卒 #熱情 #超絶技巧 #音大 #音大卒
The lost virtue of a lost world is Indomitable Spirit. There are 3 types of people in the world. There are cowards, martyrs and warriors. Read this article by following this link now. #martialarts #tenets #kosho #budo
#martialarts #tenets #kosho #budo
The wise learn from history. History of Martial Arts is the same. If you do not know where you come from you do not know where you are going. Follow this link to learn more now. #kyusho #martialarts #budo #kosho
#kyusho #martialarts #budo #kosho
Mistakes while Training in Martial Arts. Turning Failure to Victory because you were prepared and not reacting to the encounter. Follow this link to read more now. #martialarts #karate #kempo #budo #kosho
#martialarts #karate #kempo #budo #kosho
All new article at the World Budo Alliance by Founder Grand Master Dave DeGrouchie called Do you “KARATE” when nobody is watching? Follow this link to read the article now. #martialarts #karate #budo #wba
#martialarts #karate #budo #wba
Many in the martial arts focus primarily on the body. They try to build it for combat. Martial Arts Training is about the mind, the body is 3rd. Follow this link to read more from this new article now. #karate #martialarts #budo
Are you interested in learning the ancient art of Kosho Ryu? Along with all its concepts, theories and principles? But you are not sure just where to begin? Checkout my all NEW Kosho Ryu Learning Library from this link. #kosho #koshoryu #martialarts #karate #budo
#kosho #koshoryu #martialarts #karate #budo
Discipline is the Key to Success in all things be in it business or in life itself. And disciple in the modern era is a lost art. Follow this link to read more now! #kosho #martialarts #disciple #budo
#kosho #martialarts #disciple #budo
When facing a #redhead in a fight, you better focus!
Here the late Sonobe Masami #soke (18th head of #jikishinkageryu #naginatajutsu) against the late Kajiyama Takeko #sensei at #kyototaikai 2011.
On the background are the previous and the current head masters of #tendoryu showing focus on their fight. Can you name them?
#budo #naginata
#NAGINATA #budo #tendoryu #kyototaikai #sensei #naginatajutsu #jikishinkageryu #soke #redhead
If you change your focus you change your life. This is NOT a fuzzy saying BUT FACT. And not "their" facts either. What you Focus on EXPANDS! Follow this link to read more #budo #martialarts #karate
Complete teachings of Self Defense is about the Martial Art of Escaping. True martial arts are arts of peace using force only when required. Read this article to learn more now. #martialarts #kosho #octagon #budo #karate
#martialarts #kosho #octagon #budo #karate
We need an all New Martial Art Paradigm. It is time to put egos aside and work towards bring values back to martial arts training. The goal of Body - Mind and Spirit. Follow the link provided to the article to read more. #martialarts #karate #hapkido #budo #kosho
#martialarts #karate #hapkido #budo #kosho
Happy & proud that the official shirts for the 2023 Iaido National Championships featured a drawing by this DesigNerd 😉
Original design by BudoGirl for Yushinkan Iaido & Kendo and the NKR Nederlandse Kendo Renmei.
‹‹Au travers de sa pratique martiale, l'Aïkido a pour objectif d'améliorer les relations entre les personnes en favorisant le développement harmonieux de chacun. Dans cette perspective, c'est à la valorisation mutuelle qu'il convient de s'employer et non à l'affirmation de soi au détriment de l'autre, et c'est la raison pour laquelle la compétition, qui glorifie le vainqueur, n'a pas sa place dans notre discipline.››
#philosophie #artmartial #budo #aikido