三星專武入手! 初步心得
1. 造型和配色很美,但真的不好拿,手指沒有著力點很容易手滑噴出去,收放都要小心。
2. 三星專屬SSC 編碼,很微妙,明顯聲音不太一樣,但說不上來聽感,聽一段時間再來分享。
3. 360度音效,效果顯著!看現場表演或電影十分明顯,很好玩,不過會慢一拍並不是無縫轉移。
4. 入耳式但耳道腫脹感不嚴重,開啟降噪耳壓感不強,以豆型真無線來說配戴起來算是舒服,不喜歡耳道式的可以嘗試配戴看看。
5. 沒有講話自動切換環境音稍嫌可惜,沒有更高級別防水也有些可惜,這些可惜再高價的型號裡都有被補足。
I have a new set of #Galaxy #Buds2 Pro. Amazing bit of tech kit, superb audio quality. But I just can't get used to them, not getting them in my ears properly. Very fiddly.
Maybe I'll go back to the #Soundcore Anker Liberty Air 2 I've had a few years, they are a great fit although not nearly as good audio quality.
Hmm. Before I do that, though, does anyone have any tips on being patient with the Buds2? Thanks