"funny like I'm a clown, I amuse you?". @BrattleTheatre@twitter.com @BOSunderground@twitter.com #BUFF23
There's always a movie at #buff23 that leaves me wondering what the hell it was, and this year that was it. Eagerly awaiting reviews tomorrow so I may figure it out
First shorts block @BOSunderground@twitter.com @BrattleTheatre@twitter.com #buff23
The #negativland movie was . . basically a 90 minute glitchy audio collage, so.. right on brand. but not so much of a documentary. @SpaghettiJnFilm@twitter.com is a beautiful and really strange genre film on finding human connection #buff23
Q&A with writers/director of #theunheard, at @BOSunderground@twitter.com #buff23 and coming to #shudder soon
Tomorrow @ #Buff23 - my favorite band from the early 90s that nearly got sued out of existence by U2. wish you were here, @denimclature@twitter.com - https://brattlefilm.org/movies/stand-by-for-failure-a-documentary-about-negativland/ #negativland
Ha! I have somewhere to wear this where no one will mistake me for a U2 fan. #negativland #buff #buff23