#BuffaloBill 17 (1984) - 10/10
Continuation/conclusion of the abortion story, by #JayTarses.
1️⃣ Again, the show feels like a true ensemble here. With #JoannaCassidy and #GeenaDavis carrying most of the weight. Both are excellent. And it’s great to see both of them getting so much material independent of the Bill character.
2️⃣ #DabneyColeman gets one key scene, on his own, acting out an entire baseball game. It has to be seen to believed. His vocal work is astonishing.
#buffalobill #jaytarses #joannacassidy #geenadavis #dabneycoleman
I watched/reviewed/rated 25 episodes of #ClassicTV between May 14th and May 27th.
Here's how they lined up.
#classictv #buffalobill #highlander #hillstreetblues #hunter #themarytylermooreshow #seinfeld #baretta #Kojak #theotherone #santabarbara #30rock #viper #werewolf #TheATeam #branded #thefamousteddyz #hardcastleandmccormick #rhoda #riptide #talesfromthecrypt #fernwoodtonight #inbedwithmedinner #three #thesixmilliondollarman #wonderwoman
📺 January 26, 1984: NBC aired #BuffaloBill after #Cheers and before #HillStreetBlues. Against it, CBS had #MikeHammer and ABC aired #Masquerade.
#buffalobill #cheers #hillstreetblues #mikehammer #masquerade #80stv
#BuffaloBill 16 (1984) - 10/10
1️⃣ Excellent episode by series creator #JayTarses with a very serious storyline about an unwanted pregnancy.
2️⃣ Much of the focus is on the brilliant #JoannaCassidy. And there are some lovely scenes for #MaxWright, also.
3️⃣ With all this genuine, heartfelt drama in play, it falls to #CharlesRobinson as Newdell to bring the laughs.
4️⃣ I love this cast, and this is an episode where several of them are in the spotlight.
#buffalobill #jaytarses #joannacassidy #maxwright #charlesrobinson
I've watched/reviewed/rated 25 episodes of #ClassicTV in the last 13 days.
Here's how they lined up.
#classictv #aspen #thebionicwoman #thefamousteddyz #frasier #highwaypatrol #missionimpossible #thesixmilliondollarman #almostperfect #branded #buffalobill #Columbo #hillstreetblues #ittakesathief #kungfuthelegendcontinues #benson #magnumpi #santabarbara #viper #areyoubeingserved #fernwoodtonight #idreamofjeannie #superforce #wonderwoman #thestreetsofsanfrancisco #vegas
Statue of William 'Buffalo Bill' Cody in Dennistoun, Glasgow.
This statue was erected in 2006 to mark 115 years since Buffalo Bill brough his wild west show to the east end of Glasgow, where they performed sell-out shows for four months.
#glasgow #dennistoun #buffalobill #statue #glasgowhistory #glasgowstatues #publicart #sculpture
#sculpture #publicart #glasgowstatues #glasgowhistory #statue #buffalobill #Dennistoun #glasgow
#BuffaloBill 14 (1983) - 9/10
#DabneyColeman at his obnoxious best!
1️⃣ The opening minutes here highlight everything that is terrible about Bill. His crippling insecurities, his bigotry, and the deplorable way he treats everyone around him.
2️⃣ So why do we watch? Why do we care? Well, the show is very funny. And very smart. There’s a lot of subtext here, as well as laughs. Does it go over the head of the average viewer? Sure.
79 years ago:
Buffalo Bill (US)
Scout William F. Cody (Joel McCrea) marries a U.S. senator's daughter (Maureen O'Hara), fights the Cheyenne and leads a Wild West show.
#BuffaloBill #JoelMcCrea #MaureenOHara #LindaDarnell #20thCenturyFox #Western #ClassicFilm
#buffalobill #joelmccrea #maureenohara #lindadarnell #20thcenturyfox #western #classicfilm
Hoy toca pasear por un cementerio de gran belleza. Recomendamos leer sobre él y las curiosidades con las que nos sorprenderá con toda seguridad. Y por supuesto, si viajáis a ........, no dejéis de visitarlo si podéis.
La respuesta está en la red o no. La cuestión es investigar y ser curioso o curiosa. No hay tiempo. Sólo ser el primero en contestar.
#historia #curiosidades #noticias #cementerio #sioux #dakota #buffalobill
#historia #curiosidades #noticias #cementerio #sioux #dakota #buffalobill
The Voice Of Buffalo Bill Cody (1898)
#BuffaloBill #BuffaloBillCody #WildWest #History #Recording #Sound #USA
#buffalobill #buffalobillcody #wildwest #history #recording #sound #usa
This week's #TombTuesday is the gravesite of William Cody, better known as Buffalo Bill. And his wife Louisa.
They're resting at the top of Lookout Mountain just outside of Golden Colorado.
#BuffaloBill #gravesite
https://www.buffalobill.org will get you to the Museum that's also up there.
#tombtuesday #buffalobill #gravesite
#Völkerschau #Menschenzoo in #Stuttgart
Okt. 1890: "Wildwestshow" des #BuffaloBill mit "200 Indianern, Pferden und Büffeln" auf dem Wasen (Ausstellung "Wasen im Wandel, z.Zt. Stadt-Museum #BadCannstatt)
#volkerschau #menschenzoo #Stuttgart #buffalobill #badcannstatt