Full breakdown of the #BuffaloStorm #disaster Nov. 17-22: "Snowfall rates as high as 6 inches per hour contributed to the closing of interstate travel, while the magnitude of the prolonged event led to numerous local
and state emergency declarations. " #WX #Weather https://www.weather.gov/buf/lesEventArchive?season=2022-2023&event=A
#buffalostorm #disaster #wx #weather
I had to take a break after reading the first of 25 stories of humans helping fellow humans . . . because I had to wipe the tears from my eyes. Must read. You must. #BuffaloStorm #WeAreOne https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/12/31/2144317/-25-Heartwarming-Stories-From-The-Buffalo-Christmas-Blizzard
#Buffalo man saved two dozen people by breaking into a school and guiding people to safety during the #BuffaloStorm #NY #ArticBlast #Disaster #WX #Weather https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64128830
#buffalo #buffalostorm #ny #articblast #disaster #wx #weather
Death toll in Erie County #NY from #BuffaloStorm now stands at 31. Per Erie County admin Poloncarz: "Our fatalities break down with 31 from the City of Buffalo, 7 in combo. of Amh./Cheek./Willsv./Depew, and 1 is unknown. Demographically, 18 are White, 20 are Black, and 1 is Hispanic" #ArcticBlast #disaster
#ny #buffalostorm #arcticblast #disaster
More on the efforts to crowdsource #snow #clearing efforts in #Buffalo #NY this morning. #BuffaloStorm #ArticBlast #disaster https://www.wgrz.com/video/weather/buffalo-gives-helping-residents-of-buffalos-east-side-dig-out/71-d491352b-de2a-4f6a-ab76-ed65ecce309e
#snow #clearing #buffalo #ny #buffalostorm #articblast #disaster
#Buffalo Looks like residents are crowd-sourcing snow clearing. 11am Dec 29 at Delevan Grider Community Center (but confirm details) #NY #BuffaloStorm #ArticBlast #Disaster Check below for details: https://www.instagram.com/stories/buffalogives/3003644701703480949/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y%3D
#buffalo #ny #buffalostorm #articblast #disaster
Hey my street got plowed!
I thought surely it'd be another day or two. This does NOT make up for how poorly this storm was handled though. #buffalo #buffalostorm
There will be another Blizzard Media Briefing today in Buffalo at 9:30am.
Hopefully we'll get some clarity around the number of people confirmed deceased. Current reports are all over the place and range from 13 to 24. What's true is the police scanner has been a heartbreaking stream of DOA reports all night.
Briefing can be watched live on the Erie Co. YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/eriecountyny
#buffalo #buffaloblizzard #buffalostorm #blizzard #storm
Todays Bills game was a success , the rest of the week seems bright even tho we have 5 feet of snow 🤷♂️❄️😂🦬
#BuffaloStorm #Buffalo #Billsmafia #BuffaloBills #letsgobuffalo
#buffalostorm #buffalo #BillsMafia #BuffaloBills #letsgobuffalo
It looks like it's daytime outside the snow is so bright. Half mile from Lake Erie in Downtown #Buffalo #BuffaloStorm
Can officials stop saying "travel ban" when they mean "driving ban?"
Lots of us are perfectly capable of doing errands on foot when driving conditions are hazardous.
#plowsidewalkstoo #WindshieldBias #buffalostorm
Travel ban in Buffalo NY imposed during a torrential snow storm to keep people safe.
Wonder how many “Freedom Convoy” folks will consider that an ‘infringement’ of their rights and get stranded on the roads to protest LOL
#Buffalo #nystorm #buffalostorm #freedomconvoy