der versuch eine der krötchen genauer ins bild zu bekommen ...
#amphibien #bufo #krote #krabbeltierchen
an der gleichen stelle wie hüpften auch jede menge winziger erdkröten in der gegend herum, jede einzelne ziemlich zielstrebig, aber alle in unterschiedliche richtung unterwegs 😍
#amphibien #bufo #krote #krabbeltierchen
Let’s all take a moment to appreciate his or her(?) majesty and say #Hi to my friend #Bufo Bufo on #WorldFrogDay.
“Medicine” churches are popping up all in #Texas, offering members a potential legal cover for their #psychedelic rituals.
People spend thousands to learn to administer #bufo, a trendy but rare substance. Experts worry there's little oversight, leaving these groups ripe for abuse. And what Andrew Logan experienced at the Universal Shamans of the New Tomorrow left him shaken.
(📸 Photo by Adam Shellooe)
#MentalHealth #Drugs #Law #Culture #psychedelics #indigenous
#texas #psychedelic #bufo #mentalhealth #drugs #law #culture #psychedelics #indigenous
BufoStorch for PC
#BufoStorch #PC #Windows #Windows98 #Windows2000 #WindowsXP #FPS #FirstPersonShooter #Hunting #Huntinggame #BufoProjectGmbH #BufoProject #Bufo
#bufo #bufoproject #bufoprojectgmbh #huntinggame #hunting #firstpersonshooter #fps #windowsxp #windows2000 #windows98 #windows #pc #bufostorch