#gardening experts - what are your favorite #plants to fill in those spots where you really don’t want to pay too much attention? I’ve been using #daylilies, #ajuga, #hostas, and #bugloss myself. Also some #lavender and #lambsear in other high sun spots.
Any other suggestions for #Zone5 (or thereabouts)?
#gardening #plants #daylilies #ajuga #hostas #bugloss #lavender #lambsear #zone5
Blueweed or viper's-bugloss is both poisonous and a medicinal plant. I guess it all depends on the dose. So don't play with it. It's also considered invasive in a lot of areas. they could all be noxious weeds but it's a fun plant to draw. It gets 1 to 3 feet tall.
#hobonichitecho #hobonichi #ink #micron #doodle #bugloss #blueweed #garden #medicinalplants #blue #wildflower #flowers #watercolor #drawing #sketchoftheday #sotd #botanicalillustration #waterbrush #noxiousweeds
#noxiousweeds #waterbrush #botanicalillustration #sotd #sketchoftheday #drawing #watercolor #flowers #wildflower #blue #medicinalplants #garden #blueweed #bugloss #doodle #micron #ink #hobonichi #hobonichitecho