Sweet! I need a Panel Pod for mine. #ShutUpAndTakeMyMoney #BuildACade #GRS #Arcade #RaspberryPi #RetroGaming
#shutupandtakemymoney #buildacade #grs #arcade #raspberrypi #retrogaming
I passed on #FoodFight but so looking forward to my #Zoltar soon!
#Replicade #NewWave #RetroGaming #GRS #BuildACade
#foodfight #zoltar #replicade #newwave #retrogaming #grs #buildacade
Looka like my #BuildACade will be delayed. #Amazon shipped me a #RaspberryPi 1 instead of a 3. Not happy, and the box was smooshed to boot.
#buildacade #amazon #raspberrypi
So, can confirm now this is a #RaspberryPi 2 and does not recognize #TPLINK Wifi. Great. #BuildACade
#raspberrypi #tplink #buildacade
If you decide to buy a #BuildACade this is the video I recommended you watch to build and configure it. #RetroGaming #Arcade #80s #RetroComputing
#buildacade #retrogaming #arcade #80s #retrocomputing
Will let it charge overnight, then figure out how to play #Frogger in the morning. #BuildACade
So, I just did a thing (one opoosable thumb short too) and it appears to have even worked first time. So I guess #AllThingsArePossible
#BuildACade #RaspberryPi #RetroGaming #Arcade #80s #RetroComputing
#allthingsarepossible #buildacade #raspberrypi #retrogaming #arcade #80s #retrocomputing
A few parts left over. I am sure that will be fine? Time to make some #magicsmoke I guess. #BuildACade #RaspberryPi and maybe put the stickers on later if it works. #Arcade #RetroGaming #MAME
#magicsmoke #buildacade #raspberrypi #arcade #retrogaming #mame
Uhm, no that won't be happening today. No screws provided (S5) 2 x M3x8mm screws for #RaspberryPi 3 HDMI cable connection. #BuildACade
Okay, I am ready for another beverage now. #BuildACade #RetroGaming #Arcade #SomeAssemblyRequired #BatteryIncluded #RaspberryPi
#buildacade #retrogaming #arcade #someassemblyrequired #batteryincluded #raspberrypi
Getting the #RaspberryPi connected up to #BuildACade now. #RetroGaming #Arcade
#raspberrypi #buildacade #retrogaming #arcade