Trump Latest ATTACK was a BIG MISCALCULATION on Labor Day - #LaborDay #UnionStrong #unions #BuildBackBetter
#buildbackbetter #unions #unionstrong #laborday
Anyone who still supports Biden and hates Trump has no brain at all.
They’d have to admit that they were wrong. Bangkok Sukhumvit Soi 7 Construction #Asia #Bangkok #BangkokSukhumvitSoi7 #BangkokSukhumvitSoi7Construction #Bridge #BTS #BuildBackBetter #construction #EttingThere #Events #GoingUp #HighRise #locations #nana #NewWorld #night #photos #PlacesToTravel #SOI7 #SoutheastAsia #SoutheastAsiaTour #structure #SukhumvitSoi7 #Thailand #Tourism #travel #video #walkway #workers
#asia #bangkok #bangkoksukhumvitsoi7 #bangkoksukhumvitsoi7construction #bridge #bts #buildbackbetter #construction #ettingthere #events #goingup #highrise #locations #nana #newworld #night #photos #placestotravel #soi7 #southeastasia #southeastasiatour #structure #sukhumvitsoi7 #thailand #tourism #travel #video #walkway #workers
Comment next to the X image about Maui:
PART 8️⃣ #MauiFire #DEW incredible find by new friend
pick her up if you aren't following her yet and search her hashtags. she's a hell of a digger!
🔥THIS IS WHY MAUI WAS INCINERATED 👇#BuildBackBetter requires starting from ashes, so #Maui's #NWO #WEF "leaders" did just that. 👇
#JUMPSmartMaui #Agenda2030 is the #SmartGrid designed for globalist cult members who have now initiated their land grab.
#mauifire #dew #buildbackbetter #maui #nwo #wef #jumpsmartmaui #Agenda2030 #smartgrid
This is why.
Are you familiar with #stopcopcity
The climate crisis is a deliberate part of the Bipartisan “GoodCop/BadCop”,
fits with
- 4x
(explore extract exploit extermination)
- 3e
(embrace extend extinction)
oops 🙊 i mean extinguish
-“How to Kill a Decentralized Social Network”
- underground cities since 2000s
They PLANNED this.
#buildbackbetter #stopcopcity #stopcopcityeverywhere
@sarahdalgulls I was in a meeting yesterday where the presenter advised us that the company needs a snappy slogan of no more than 5 words but preferably just 3. I looked around the room to see unquestioning faces and conclude that I'm too fecking old for this shit. #CynicalOldFart #buildbackbetter #takebackcontrol #getbrexitdone
Only one word actually required. Mince.
#getbrexitdone #takebackcontrol #buildbackbetter #cynicaloldfart
Catherine Rombeau of NH probably supports Biden's #BuildBackBetter agenda, which is merciful (if they don't, they should)
What about countries that have deliberately destroyed own infrastructure?
Russia will pay for Ukraine (via ceased assets) - great!
What about Sudan (& like) where the gov blows up buildings roads etc? Do we leave destructive govs in power & pay them to rebuild?
Joe Biden rallies with union workers in Philadelphia: ‘You built America’
#GuardianNews #BidenUnionRally #PhiladelphiaCampaign #UnionWorkers #AmericanWorkers #BuildBackBetter #Politics #News
#guardiannews #bidenunionrally #philadelphiacampaign #unionworkers #americanworkers #buildbackbetter #politics #news
Sorry I haven't been 90% of everyone's feed this past week everypony :(
But I'm back to posting! #elonmusk #dogecoin #buildbackbetter
#elonmusk #dogecoin #buildbackbetter
There are clear majorities in support of the #BuildBackBetter agenda, and even for the watered down Machin Synematic Universe version we got through the #InfrastructureBill. If the Dems could mobilize voters - by convincing them that they were committed to *doing things* rather than capitulating - they could win strong majorities in 2024.
#buildbackbetter #infrastructurebill
La lucha por proteger el sector agrario y ganadero es una cuestión esencial a nivel nacional pero el poder de las élites globalistas y su deseo de arrasar con todo, hace de nuestra lucha un motivo para la unidad de acción en Europa.
¡Frente a la #Agenda2030, unidos en toda…
RT @Rob_Roos: After making life impossible for Dutch #farmers, it is now the turn of farmers in the other Member States. The globalists don't #BuildBackBetter, they destroy!
The #Agenda2030…
#Agenda2030 #Farmers #buildbackbetter
After making life impossible for Dutch #farmers, it is now the turn of farmers in the other Member States. The globalists don't #BuildBackBetter, they destroy!
The #Agenda2030 dictates and the Spanish countryside succumbs and farms are being closed... while third countries…
RT @bisway: La #Agenda2030 dicta y el campo español sucumbe y se van cerrando explotaciones...mientras terceros países fuera de la UE se frotan las manos..
¿Estámos preparados para pagar el …
#Farmers #buildbackbetter #Agenda2030
Full Dem. control of government would make Biden's #BuildBackBetter agenda more likely to be enacted, which would be faithful.
What stage of the #BuildBackBetter plan involved the collapse of US banks?
#BuildBackBetter #ObamaEconomy #UkraineFraud #BankruptCompanies #CrimeSurge #2020ElectionFraud #MedicalFraud #CovidLies
#buildbackbetter #ObamaEconomy #ukrainefraud #bankruptcompanies #crimesurge #2020ElectionFraud #medicalfraud #CovidLies
Fed up with an enormous pothole in his Los Angeles neighborhood, Arnold Schwarzenegger picked up a shovel and filled it himself. (AP) #BuildBackBetter #infrastructure
#infrastructure #buildbackbetter