Rythur · @rythur
121 followers · 1544 posts · Server mastodon.social

I worked on a new form of projection last night and wanted to plot an example of it today. So, I built an example case and here it is... some new shapes!

I hope you enjoy them! I'm sure this new class of shapes contains others far more beautiful too.

#math #projections #buildingmath #art #mathasart

Last updated 1 year ago

Rythur · @rythur
121 followers · 1537 posts · Server mastodon.social

Here's some math art for your Thursday.

The first is an image of a feather made by the natural numbers, while the second is a Christmas tree made also by the natural numbers.

Sorry to be so vague! Research among thieves and wolves makes progress quieter than a mouse and a lot less efficient.

Have a good day!

#math #art #numbers #fields #plotting #rgnu #buildingmath

Last updated 1 year ago