This article from The Economist indicates that strict building regulations prevent economic growth of up to 10% of the GDP. This is due to the spaces needed in cities, which are prevented from being constructed because of strict building regulations.
#TheEconomist #BuildingRegulations #Economy #GDP #Urbanplanning
#theeconomist #buildingregulations #economy #gdp #urbanplanning
Dezeen : Are mass-timber buildings a fire safety risk? #Buildingregulations #Woodenarchitecture #TimberRevolution #Architecture #Masstimber #Materials #Wood #all
#buildingregulations #woodenarchitecture #timberrevolution #architecture #masstimber #materials #wood #all
Turkey earthquake: Anger at building standards grows
#Turkey #Earthquake #BuildingRegulations #PoorStandards #Enforcement
#turkey #earthquake #buildingregulations #poorstandards #enforcement
Tens of thousands of human lives snuffed out, and all because #BuildingRegulations were ignored in a mad dash to build. That is state failure, right there.
May the memories of the fallen be a blessing, and a lesson to us all.
#buildingregulations #turkey #syria #earthquakes
The fact the An Bord Pleanála is overturning fire safety decisions by the local authority fire officers, against the advice of their own inspectors, is deeply disturbing, especially given the recent revelations about the conduct of some members of the board.
#AnBordPleanala #FireSafety #BuildingRegulations
#anbordpleanala #FireSafety #buildingregulations
I've published another Part O blog. This one offers advice on getting some key things right in dynamic models, including ensuring window openings are accurately modelled and on delivering the noise criteria.
In collaboration with Jack Harvie-Clark and Ben Abel from a CIBSE Building Simulation Group event.
#buildingphysics #buildingregulations #overheating