Just hit the 1-year mark for The Early Manager newsletter, so I wrote something about when & how trust actually happens: https://us14.campaign-archive.com/?u=f97da7caaf48b7568eadbaf85&id=5d05a42f1f
#buildingteams #leadership #managers
An interesting thread re: being a manager vs. individual contributor
I have my own views (and added them) around what it means to think/act collectively, esp. that acquiring more headcount isn't automatically a sign of success: https://www.reddit.com/r/managers/comments/12z1uxs/am_i_still_a_manager_without_staff_reporting/jhsh3je/?context=3
#buildingteams #managers #collaboration
Wrote something for The Early Manager newsletter about the practice of stillness: https://us14.campaign-archive.com/?u=f97da7caaf48b7568eadbaf85&id=72ed72eb68
#BuildingTeams #Workplaces #WorkplaceCulture #ManagerTips #LongLeadListening #TheEarlyManager
#buildingteams #workplaces #workplaceculture #managertips #longleadlistening #theearlymanager
Wrote something for the newsletter on how long-lead listening increases speed, alignment, and trust: https://mailchi.mp/417d51a217e8/long-lead-listening
#BuildingTeams #Managers #ManagerTips #LongLeadListening #TheEarlyManager
#buildingteams #managers #managertips #longleadlistening #theearlymanager
Some variation of "now that you know more about this role (task, challenge), what kinds of resources/supports do you feel you need to tackle it?" is one of the most useful things a manager can ask, and keep asking.
Either someone has thought about it and knows what they need...or they haven't and it's an opportunity to show up for them in a meaningful & useful way both individually and for the health of the team/company.
#buildingteams #managers #managertips
When I first started managing teams, something that surprised me was how often orgs take the "manage people out" route without any real reason or understanding
If an organization (+manager) sees the relationship as worth investing in, it's all about resources/supports that either lead to the person improving/shifting or realizing that the role or tasks aren't something they want to work on
#buildingteams #managers #managertips
Since the NYT wrote a new thing about personality tests being used in hiring & managing...
This Guardian story covers how things like Meyers-Briggs are basically dangerous nonsense
#hiring #managingteams #buildingteams
There's a lot to absorb from the data, but in a recent study of 3,400 people across 10 countries:
69% said their manager had the greatest impact on their mental health, on par with their partner
51% said their doctor had the greatest impact
41% said their therapist had the greatest impact
#buildingteams #workplaces #workplaceculture
Wrote a thing about how managers can look to the comparison between a community vs. club to balance their teams
#inclusiveleadership #buildingteams #theearlymanager
I sat down recently for a conversation on the Leaderful Podcast – this one's a 50-minute listen, and we covered a lot of ground, including:
- How to make power visible and negotiable
- Why paying attention to the words vs. action gap reduces risk for companies & individuals
- Leveraging internal operations/workflow and "long-lead listening" to increase trust, alignment, and speed
#managers #inclusiveleadership #sharingpower #buildingteams
Working across marketing, journalism, and startup/tech ops over the years, I've built a lot of online communities...
It's equal parts art and science because, ultimately, you're creating a space focused on belonging.
Someone asked a question about it, so I wrote up a quick piece for the blog on what managers can learn from all that: https://www.theearlymanager.com/blog/what-managers-can-learn-from-building-an-online-community-from-scratch
#ManagerTips #BuildingTeams #InclusiveLeadership #OnlineCommunities
#managertips #buildingteams #inclusiveleadership #onlinecommunities
Dropped another edition of The Early Manager newsletter – this one touches on how the best managers consistently create a loop between listening and action
(+the usual set of good reads & resources) 👇🏻
#buildingteams #managertips #goodreads
If you've ever had a team member withhold information, gaslight you, or drive a wedge between you & your boss, the tactics here are a must-read...but make sure to take a breath before reading this one.
#buildingteams #workplaces #workplaceculture #managertips
I don't do a lot of these things, but next week's LinkedIn Live with Future Cain should be a good one
If you don't already know Future, she is the rare person who brings depth & vision to every space she is in, and our conversation will cover inclusivity, workplaces, building community, and more
#BuildingTeams #InclusiveWorkplaces #Inclusion #WorkplaceCulture
#buildingteams #inclusiveworkplaces #inclusion #workplaceculture