Our #ALNMathTalk podcast with @pgliljedahl is our second most👂to episode ever! 🥳
This is just one of so many powerful states shared.
#Math #BuildingThinkingClassrooms #Math4All #ITeachMath #MathEdLeaders #MathTeacher
➡️Have a listen here:
#MathTeacher #mathedleaders #iteachmath #Math4All #buildingthinkingclassrooms #math #alnmathtalk
Check out our newest TikTok video from our conversation with @pgliljedahl
#BuildingThinkingClassrooms #ALNMathTalk #ClassroomCommunity #Math #Math4All
#Math4All #math #classroomcommunity #alnmathtalk #buildingthinkingclassrooms
Weil auf Twitter das gerade angesprochen wird: auch hier könnte man über Thema #buildingthinkingclassrooms nach dem Buch von Liljedahl sprechen. Man findet hier auch Kontakte zu englischsprachigen Nutzern, die diese Idee umsetzen.
We did a #BuildingThinkingClassrooms non-curricular task with school administrators to help them understand the kind of classroom environment we are aiming for with our students.
@KarenCampe @mcoaty @davidwees @MTBoS @carloliwitter @geonz @druinok
Prior to the #BuildingThinkingClassrooms mania, I used the 5 Practices to organize my thinking in how to design math lessons that fostered a community of learners.
@KarenCampe @mcoaty @davidwees @MTBoS @carloliwitter @geonz @druinok
In my mind, a community is a collection of people who interact with one another.
Classrooms in which students sit passively, listen to the teacher, and then work individually are not communities.
With all that in mind, I try to create classrooms in which students collaborate with one another regularly. This will include teacher moves such as…
Three Read Protocol
Number Talks