bld is starting to build up a nice collection of extensions, many contributed by @ethauvin!
If you haven't checked out #bld yet, please do so. You can thank us later:
#bld #java #buildtools #purejava #convenience #codecomfort
In this post, I’d like to shed some light on my stance regarding #gradle, so I can direct people to it instead of debunking the same "reasoning" repeatedly.
#gradle #ant #maven #buildtools #hype #java
Time for the grand finale! I'm going to give this one 7 days to let as many people vote as possible.
As I suspected, SCons was a clear winner over NAnt and Grunt in the last round, so the final contest for the title of Worst Build Tool 2023 is between autotools and SCons.
Which is the worst?
Round 8 of the Worst Build Tools context had autotools beating out both Maven and Webpack. Impressive, and not a little surprising to me.
Now for the second round of playoffs, to see which terrible build tool goes up against autotools in the grand final. Three choices this time — which is the worst? #BuildTools
Round 7: SCons shot in to first place with 67% of the vote. That would have been my choice too. #BuildTools
Time for the winners of the previous rounds to face off. This is where it gets tough.
Pick your least favorite build tool from these winners:
Round 6 was another tie, Grunt vs Broccoli. I'm casting my tiebreak vote for Grunt, because (a) non-ECMA module syntax and (b) CoffeeScript.
And now for the grand finale of the first round of contests: it's time for the Python build tools.
Obviously they're all bad, after all this is Python, but which is truly the worst?
For round 5 it was another tie, with Gulp and Webpack tied for worst JavaScript build tool. Once again I'm going to cast a tie-breaking vote, and without a doubt it's Webpack, which is just painfully slow.
Except there are more JavaScript build tools, of course. So here's round 6. Which of these more obscure tools is the worst? #BuildTools
(And I've been saving the best for last.)
Round 4: An easy win for autotools. On to round 5!
This time it's JavaScript build tools. Which is the worst?
Round 3 was a tie between Maven and Gradle, so I'm going to leap in and cast a tie-breaking vote for Maven.
For round 4 of what is now the Terrible Build Tools April Madness, four heavy hitters from the C/C++ world. Which is the worst?
Round 2 of the Terrible Build Tools March Madness was won by NAnt.
For round 3, some heavy hitters, because it's Java time! Which is the worst?
Well, Rake won the first round of the Terrible Build Tools March Madness. Time for round two. This time it's containers and .NET.
You don't have to have used them all, of course. Feel free to judge them based on their documentation. Which is the worst?
It's way past time for Terrible Build Tools March Madness. Some 28 software build tools compete to see which is the very worst.
Round one: Starting with some of the more obscure build tools you might not have heard of, if you're lucky. Which is the worst?
trying rspack...
Got the classic "invalid ELF header" 😂
#webdev #buildtools #aarch64