#WorkingMeditation #111: Making our physical lives more magnetic
"Our upcoming innovations will cut two ways: they will make our online world more magnetic and attractive, and our offline one feel more tedious and boring by comparison. They will make it easier to forget that we are living organisms with built-in barometers that not only help us survive but thrive."
#impact #presence #BuildtoThrive
#buildtothrive #presence #impact #workingmeditation
#WorkingMeditation #110: Communication is an act of trust
"Naturally powerful speaking, that we all are capable of, is because of other people's ability to listen and not the other way around."
#impact #presence #BuildtoThrive
#buildtothrive #presence #impact #workingmeditation
#WorkingMeditation #109: The two core building blocks for everything we create
"Being able to renew something doesn't mean being able to renew it automatically or immediately. It means that replenishment is possible over time and under certain conditions."
#presence #BuildtoThrive
#buildtothrive #presence #workingmeditation