Adam · @AdamDoesTech
9 followers · 76 posts · Server

Hiding and Unhiding lines of code in Xcode is the best feature that Xcode has, in my opinion aside from Code Comparison.
In the images, you can see, that I have hidden my ZStack and then I have opened it!
I have hidden so many lines of code, to work on my ZStack View as I see fit, for example changing the Color of it!

Also, one way to remember what is a View, is that all Views starts with a capital letter like ZStack or Color, Text, or Button, and so on!

#buildwithprofg #swift #xcode

Last updated 2 years ago

Adam · @AdamDoesTech
9 followers · 75 posts · Server

Pro Tip: When you are doing or , While taking notes, link the video to the chapter that you taking notes on!
In the image attached for example, I'm taking notes for Ch. 1.5 and there is a line under it, because that line is a link to the lecture directly, so I do not have to go back and forth or search for it when I need to reference it again!
You are welcome! 😀 👍

#ioscodecrush #bcswift #iOS #iosdev #swift #swiftui #buildwithprofg

Last updated 2 years ago