Build “Post Malone & Pete Davidson’s Inkspot - the Tattoo Logging App” one of two in-class builds from last night’s Semester of @SwiftUI exam. Yes, I write exam questions to amuse myself. No, the app has no actual affiliation with Post or Pete. #Swift #SwiftUI #BuiltWithProfG
#Swift #swiftui #builtwithprofg
The @SwiftUI hackers with mid-term #2 underway. They are building the Star Wars Species app. API call, JSON parsing, paged JSON while scrolling, load all pages with recursive load call, AsyncImage with placeholder, ProgressView, and a “Surprise and Delight” talking magic-8-ball-style Yoda when you click Grogu. Employers looking for Jr Devs - here’s a room with 50 smarties. I’ll post a solution video tomorrow for anyone playing along with the home game #BuiltWithProfG. #BCSwift. Keep hacking!
This week’s stickers include one heading to Lyon, France! #BuiltWithProfG. Keep hacking!
Okay, I'm in love with what I'm making now, hehe!
#profg #swift #builtwithprofg #bcswift
Slides for Week 11 of the Semester of @SwiftUI are up in the course google drive at We built a basic “Houses of Westeros” app using apioficeandfire & I covered API calls, JSON parsing, paged JSON loading while scrolling, ProgressView, and more. Second mid-term is in a week. Some samples from the Keynote sides w/challenges & solutions. #BuiltWithProfG #Swift #BCSwift
#builtwithprofg #Swift #bcswift
This week’s stickers going out to the @SwiftUI & #CircuitPython students posting a pic/video of work done from lessons at One of each randomly chosen ea week for hacker who toots pic with the hashtag #BuiltWithProfG. Sent anywhere in the world, free. Helps me know posting lessons for all is having an impact, so I appreciate the motivation. And since I’m tooting & not tweeting, it’s easier than ever to win. Educators, happy to send some to your students, too. Hack on!
#circuitpython #builtwithprofg
For the first in a long time, I know how the ternary operator works!
Thanks #ProfG
#profg #builtwithprofg #bcswift
Just finished up lesson 8.13 of my SwiftUI coursework! in this lesson I learned code to add & view Reviews for the Snacktacular App!
#BuiltWithProfG #swiftui
I thought it would look better in Arabic, what can I say, I'm a man of habits xD haha!
#swift #swiftui #العربية #iOS #ioscodecrush #builtwithprofg
Are you following #CircuitPython School lessons? Did you complete last week's "Holi"-themed Musical Chairs Challenge using a @raspberrypi Pico, button, and NeoPixel strip? (yes, it's late, was designed earlier in the semester). If not (or want the solution), see Week 9 slides in the open course Google Drive at Remember, full newbie-friendly university course content, free at Dig in! #BuiltWithProfG #RaspberryPiPico
#circuitpython #builtwithprofg #RaspberryPiPico
Week 1 is over.
Decided I would share progress for each week completed.
I loved the 3 challenges, 1 was easy, 2+3 I had to think to solve them, beauty!
Tip: Take notes!
What is unique, is this is an actual college class, so no "boring" stuff is out, all details are in! Which means no abbreviation, which is the biggest issue with YouTube content (taking the "boring" stuff out).
For me that's the most important stuff as a computer scientist!
Professor @gallaugher
Thank you.
#iOSCodeCrush first session is done. This is the You Are Awesome interface. Thanks @gallaugher, great stuff.
In case you wanted to take the class:
This will be a thread.
I will be posting my progress and take on the ongoing sessions.
Ah - and I didn't notice also had a project mentioned - his Clamp Reactive Night Lamp Congrats, Michael! #BCPhysComp #BuiltWithProfG #CircuitPython
#bcphyscomp #builtwithprofg #circuitpython
Cool notification to get from Xfinity. I think I can say I'm the only one in the house connecting this to the network. Keeping up the learning from @gallaugher #PhysCompBC #BuiltWithProfG
Best part of the brand new Schiller Institute… being able to put @gallaugher lectures on the big screen! #BuiltWithProfG
Just finished two new apps through BC’s Intro to App Development with Swift course! Excited to have the apps running on my iPhone!
New @Raspberry_Pi Pico lesson "Raspberry Pi Pico & STEMMA QT / Qwiic + Using a Temperature Sensor & Formatting Numbers" Learn to easily add the super-helpful STEMMA-QT standard to the Pico/Pico W. A #CircuitPython #BuiltWithProfG tutorial. #STEM #STEAM
#circuitpython #builtwithprofg #stem #steam
This week’s #BuiltWithProfG stickers include a send to Serbia - the first going to a country I’ve not yet visited. Want a sticker? Just post a build from one of the lessons from my YouTube channel with the hashtag above and you’ll be in the weekly drawing. Stickers sent worldwide for free. Keep hacking!
Just built my first app and installed it on my own phone. Thank you Prof G! #BuiltWithProfG #BCSwift
Updated Understanding Pins in #CircuitPython lesson to cover the @Raspberry_Pi Pico boards & beyond. We run the pin map script to find pin names & aliases, compare with pinout diagrams, use a breadboard, then take code flashing a NeoPixel strip from the Pico to other boards. We also discuss I2C, SPI & UART, board safety & offer lots of tips. #STEM #Educators feel free to use in your classes. Hack on! #BuiltWithProfG
#circuitpython #stem #educators #builtwithprofg