Il arrive parfois que mon magasin habituel ait des nouilles coréennes de la marque #Buldak, réputées très fortes (si ce n'est les plus fortes). Si j'avais déjà testé les standard (sachet noir, elles piquent déjà bien), je n'avais pas encore testé les "2x Spicy"...
C'est désormais chose faite, et wow, elle arrachent bien ! Comme ça loupe jamais, j'ai avalé du jus un peu trop en fond de gorge, bordel, j'ai dû prendre l'air ; j'ai chialé à grosses larmes 😭😅
Kürzlich war ich beim #Ramen Dealer meines Vertrauens in #Duisburg und voll Stolz präsentierte er mir seine neue Ware: #Samyang #Buldak Chicken Flavor 3x #Spicy... Die 2x sind für mich hart an der Grenze und der Dealer meinte die neuen wären unmenschlich #scharf. Ich hab ein Einzelpaket mitgenommen, mich aber noch nicht getraut... Ich glaube, ich tu es nun.
Bis später...
#ramen #duisburg #samyang #buldak #spicy #scharf
samyang black bean noodles
Spicy black bean noodles Recipe ⬇️ 1 Buldak black bean noodle pack 1 fried egg Optional: furikake #shorts #storytime #easyrecipe #buldak #jjajangmyeon #noodles
#food #japanstreetfood #japanesefood #japanesestreetfood #streetfood #tokyostreetfood
#shorts #storytime #easyrecipe #buldak #jjajangmyeon #noodles #food #japanstreetfood #japanesefood #japanesestreetfood #streetfood #tokyostreetfood
Gleich also endlich Feuer 🔥 zu essen 😂
#Buldak 2x Spicy 🔥🥵
Falls man nichts mehr von mir liest - war wohl schaaaaaaaaaf 🤐
Hat ja erstaunlich viele Kalorien, muss ich sagen.
At some point without realizing it as it happened, #Buldak Cream Carbonara #Ramen has become something I always want in the cupboard. So today I stopped at the asian grocery, only to be met with a disappointingly decimated "ramen shelf" where the Buldak branded stuff usually is. But, as I was walking by the fish counter, I noticed a stack of boxes, and stopped a passing employee who kindly cut one open for me... Sweet relief! A victory snatched from the jaws of defeat.
At some point without realizing it as it happened, #Buldak Cream Carbonara #Ramen has become something I always want in the cupboard. So today I stopped at the asian grocery, only to be met with a disappointingly decimated "ramen shelf" where the Buldak branded stuff usually is. But, as I was walking by the fish counter, I noticed a stack of boxes, and stopped a passing employee who kindly cut one open for me... Sweet relief! A victory snatched from the jaws of defeat.
made the tomato #buldak tonight, with vegetables, scrambled egg, and fresh cilantro