I wrote a new blog post in which I try to understand and over-simplify Sergei Bulgakov’s theory of Sophiology as it relates to the doctrine of the Trinity and creation.
#theology #trinity #metaphysics #creation #bulgakov
The Master and Margarita - Mikhail Bulgakov is being remade! BEYOND excited. My favourite book.
The cast all look pretty spot on, from my head - which is amazing. But OMG, Behemoth - the talking cat that carries a Mouser semi automatic and walks on his hind legs? The Count much?? 😂
In the meantime, there's an amazing youtube Russian series from the 80s to be had. It's very good if you like this stuff and can find it all on there.
“Cuore di cane”, il mito dell’eterna giovinezza in scena all’Itc Teatro https://www.radiocittafujiko.it/cuore-di-cane-il-mito-delleterna-giovinezza-in-scena-allitc-teatro/ #CuorediCane #ITCTeatro #Bulgakov #CULTURA #EVENTI
#eventi #cultura #bulgakov #ITCTeatro #CuorediCane
Foreground anti-imperial 🇺🇦 authors. (Re)read Russian/Soviet classical literature, such as the works of Bulgakov, through a critical de-imperial lens
"'Propaganda literature': calls to close Mikhail #Bulgakov museum in Kyiv" @lukeharding1968@twitter.com @OKhromeychuk@twitter.com https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2022/dec/31/mikhail-bulgakov-museum-kyiv-calls-to-close?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
I think it is a very complicated but serious cultural war.
‘Propaganda literature’: calls to close Mikhail #Bulgakov museum in Kyiv by Luke Harding
The Master and Margarita writer’s antipathy to Ukrainian #nationalism has led to some demanding his old house be renamed or repurposed
#bulgakov #nationalism #UkraineRussia #culturalwar #guardian
Not the evidence I was hoping to find to prove Steve Barclay has distant relatives in Transylvania...but far more exciting, the actual physical health of the real life #Dracula may soon be known to us, via the work of historical chemists!
And I just love their choice of other authors to analyse - Mikhail #Bulgakov, Anton #Chekhov and George #Orwell. Who would you like to see them to look into next?
#orwell #chekhov #bulgakov #dracula
Banquet in the #Kremlin Palace in honor of "Heroes of the Fatherland Day".
To the right of the reindeer herder #Shoigu sits Army General #Bulgakov, who was responsible for the logistical support of the troops.
Note the number of strips on his coat. For every hundred thousand stolen helmets, bulletproof vests, for every hundred thousand tons of stolen fuel, a medal 😁😁
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xw7Kd9FYq-Y The Master and Margarita by Mikhail #Bulgakov - From Chapters 26 and 29- #Pilate- Levi #Matthew- #Woland - rus-eng #parallelText- mp3 #podcast #audiobook #russianLiterature #jesus https://www.masterandmargarita.eu/en/03karakters/levi.html
#bulgakov #pilate #matthew #woland #paralleltext #podcast #audiobook #russianliterature #jesus
#7books to get to know me (20th century fiction only):
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams
The Master and Margarita - Mikhail Bulgakov
Catch-22 - Joseph Heller
The Unbearable Lightness of Being - Milan Kundera
Porterhouse Blue - Tom Sharp
Perfum: The Story of a Murder - Patrick Süskind
All the King’s Men - Robert Penn Warren
#DouglasAdams #Bulgakov #JosephHeller #Kundera #TomSharp #RobertPennWarren #PatrickSuskind
#7books #douglasadams #bulgakov #josephheller #kundera #tomsharp #robertpennwarren #patricksuskind
The Master and Margarita #Bulgakov
The Silent Companions #SpookyPurcell
Easy Connections #LizBerry
The Little Stranger #SarahWaters
Lottie and Lisa #kastner
Heidi #Sypri
Riders #jillycooper
Not cool, not impressive and entirely changeable, depending on how I feel.
#7books #bulgakov #spookypurcell #lizberry #SarahWaters #kastner #sypri #jillycooper
Vite e destini: Michail Bulgakov
L’oramai celeberrimo Alessandro Barbero, ospite anche quest’anno del Festival della Mente di Sarzana, ci introduce al romanzo “Il Maestro e Margherita”.
Ne parliamo su Hookii.
#libri #lettura #bulgakov #russia
https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25716554-the-master-and-margarita?from_search=true&from_srp=true&qid=82dC8bjHRy&rank=14 "‘I said, Hegemon, that the temple of the old faith would fall and a new temple of truth would be built. ..‘And why did you stir up the people in the bazaar, you vagrant, talking about the truth, of which you have no notion? What is truth?’
...again he heard the voice:‘The truth is, first of all, that your head aches, and aches so badly that you’re having faint-hearted thoughts of death... #Bulgakov #russianLiterature #Jesus #PontiusPilate #spirituality #truth
#bulgakov #russianliterature #jesus #pontiuspilate #spirituality #truth
The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov- chapters 1-2 rus-eng mp3 parallel text #russianenglish #russianliterature #russianlanguage #audiobook https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYZSzwFvFA8 #bulgakov #literature #jesus
#russianenglish #russianliterature #russianlanguage #audiobook #bulgakov #literature #jesus
La Majstro kaj Margarita - chapitro dua- Poncio Pilato rusa-esperanta mp3 podkasto #esperanto #rusaesperanta #russianliterature #russianlanguage http://rusa-esperanta.blogspot.com/2017/06/la-majstro-kaj-margarita-chapitro-dua.html #bulgakov
#esperanto #rusaesperanta #russianliterature #russianlanguage #bulgakov
The Master and Margarita by Mikhail #Bulgakov -chapters 1-2- rus-eng parallel text #russianenglish #russianliterature #russianlanguage #podcast https://omdarutv.blogspot.com/2018/12/mikhail-bulgakov-master-and-margarita.html
#russianenglish #russianliterature #russianlanguage #podcast #bulgakov
Ho appena finito Bulgakov
Il suo "Il maestro e Margherita"mi ha messo una positiva e felice malinconia
Non pensavo di poter avere il sorriso stampato in faccia, senza aver assistito ad un finale "lieto" in senso stretto
Mettere di buon umore una persona con un libro così fottuto di cervello (mi si passi l'espressione gergale) per poi sbattere in faccia un epilogo del genere è da veri geni
#bulgakov #ilmaestroemargherita
#bulgakov #ilmaestroemargherita
Si tengo un gato negro algún día, se llamará Behemoth. #bulgakov #Margarita #sketch #cat #grenade #illustration #vodka
#bulgakov #Margarita #sketch #cat #grenade #illustration #Vodka
L'attacco al porto di Odessa è a mio avviso una foto precisa del regime di Mosca, che vuole mostrare come #Zelenskyy inon sia in grado di farsi rispettare. Di fronte alla forza bruta però quelli che non vanno rispettati, però, sono coloro che la usano. Non le loro vittime.
L'attacco su Odessa descrive insomma la credibilità del regime di #Putin. A lui possono credere solo #Salvini, #Meloni e #Berlusconi.
Chissà che meraviglioso romanzo sui quattro scriverebbe oggi #Bulgakov.
#zelenskyy #putin #salvini #meloni #berlusconi #bulgakov