Dos2 :verified: w :verified: · @Toomuchgoo
80 followers · 710 posts · Server
chibikurai · @Chibikurai
196 followers · 43 posts · Server

Breedingpen ych - Red slot
Another perfect fit for this slot, just look at her struggling :aww:

#loli #breedingkink #restrain #bulging #squirrelgirl

Last updated 2 years ago

IBBoard · @ibboard
40 followers · 504 posts · Server

"You can search hashcodes… I like this but it does tend to leave too many posts like a crazed corporate SEO vampire."

10/10, would analogy again 😁

#bulging #with #ugly #hashcodes

Last updated 2 years ago

Blueteamsherpa · @Blueteamsherpa
189 followers · 30 posts · Server

I have a work laptop that is having a bulging battery issue. The chances of a bursting into is greater than a non-bulging battery, and while not really high it's also not zero. Work is asking me to continue to work with the laptop until they can get me a replacement, which may happen in the next couple of days.

So, where is the best place to keep the laptop? If it bursts into flames in the house, that'd be really bad. If I store it in the car (even the cheaper car), that'd be no good. I could store it in the shed, which is far enough away from the house that it wouldn't catch, but it's cold outside. SSD laptop, so I don't have to worry about the hard drive crashing from condensation, but still.

After some serious thought, I'm going to store the laptop in my cold oven. I'll put a sign on the oven to make sure that the laptop is removed before the oven is turned on (I'm married and potentially forgetful). It still isn't great, as when burns it produces toxic fumes, but it's less likely to spread through my house. Bonus...I have a self-cleaning oven, so they are good for higher heat levels.

A friend suggested putting it in a fireproof safe. I don't want my other documents at risk, and while everyone I know in the US has an oven, not all of them have fireproof safes that are large enough to hold a laptop.

I hope you never need to do this, but I came up with this solution all on my own, and I'm rather proud of it.

#bulging #battery #flames #lithium

Last updated 2 years ago