Ok #Labor, so why the ongoing social welfare austerity?
You know, #DentalCare, #Medicare, #Hospitals, #Jobseeker, #Bulkbilling
"Albanese spruiks larger-than-expected budget surplus"
(Of course, high-income tax cuts and AUKUS spending is just fine)
#labor #dentalcare #medicare #hospitals #jobseeker #bulkbilling #auspol
Revealed: the areas where Australians are struggling to access free GP care: https://www.theguardian.com/news/datablog/2023/feb/17/revealed-the-areas-where-australians-are-struggling-to-access-free-gp-care?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other #health #auspol #BulkBilling
@vanbadham if talks at #NationalCabinet get all the states with the feds to fix #BulkBilling and #Medicare, I won't just be cheering, I'll do a little dance
This needs to be done right #AusPol
#nationalcabinet #bulkbilling #medicare #auspol
I wonder what #NationalCabinet will put forward to fix the #healthcare system? It's very concerning to watch GP's who have long supported #bulkBilling, abandon is entirely with fees coming in, enough to make old Tony Abbott's $5 co-payment look generous
My hopes are in Labor standing strong on #Medicare, with their power there Federally and through a majority of the states, they can show if "it's time" #auspol #albo
#nationalcabinet #healthcare #bulkbilling #medicare #auspol #albo