Hovelander · @Hovelander
1 followers · 35 posts · Server universeodon.com

Pale, you tiny Viking asshole. How many bifurcation events will you inflict on me?

Each increase of the surface area in my awareness stretching that which I am, thinner & thinner.

Ed Witten was correct,

Have to find anchor soon, before my conscious focus tears.



#the_eels #suntzuiscrew #bulldog469 #motherabrams

Last updated 2 years ago

Hovelander · @Hovelander
1 followers · 33 posts · Server universeodon.com


Gonna stop your rape, torture & murder train, Vladimir.

Gonna bring the whole Fragment with me if I have to.

Ya Hear!?

Gen ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ


#gotdam #bettydavis #bulldog469 #motherabrams

Last updated 2 years ago

Hovelander · @Hovelander
1 followers · 30 posts · Server universeodon.com

Legend Building now, ya Hear!



#genbettydavis #bulldog469 #motherabrams

Last updated 2 years ago

Hovelander · @Hovelander
1 followers · 28 posts · Server universeodon.com

You right I broke that shit. I'm coming, Vlad.

Sliced off a piece of . Broke minds wide open with seeds.

Whole new light comin' with me. Target acquired, Benjamin.

I'm Midjourney, 1st Lit, 4/26/23

Rolling Tread...



#gotdamn #motherabrams #genbettydavis #bulldog469

Last updated 2 years ago

Hovelander · @Hovelander
1 followers · 26 posts · Server universeodon.com

Sun, plant a signals seed. Target that strong explosion out over the gulf. Lichtenburgue or the, you know, the... That contraption light, thing.

"On the way..."


#tcbenfranklin #motherabrams #bulldog469

Last updated 2 years ago

Hovelander · @Hovelander
1 followers · 21 posts · Server universeodon.com

"Ooooh, Sun. Look out the thermals at that hairy pacyderm. Can you get a fingernail on it? Right on the trunk. There!"

"On the way."


"Quick! Send the graffiti. Plant the signals seed!"


Last updated 2 years ago

Hovelander · @Hovelander
1 followers · 13 posts · Server universeodon.com

was crafted to bend the perceptual space around the enemy. Warp their senses, get them to act illogically against their goals.


Get into the enemy's intent & liquefact the ideas upon which they've rooted.

Set about them funhouse mirrors as polytopic nets.

Rain down flechettes of intrusive thought into the enemy's awareness & attention.

The feeds again.

Every bit of kit needs a thorough TM or FM.

Bulldog 4/69 is no exception.

Now that Bulldog is feeding, fucking, & fighting again, info is vital to convey in a way that a general troop can comprehend.

FM's & TM's will have to adapt, so expect instruction to be fragmented across services & media types.

Do keep up, troop.



#bulldog469 #motherabrams #cursedbyground

Last updated 2 years ago

Hovelander · @Hovelander
1 followers · 13 posts · Server universeodon.com

The mother Abrams had become intention craft.

Fallen outside of governmental control.

An Irregular...

Her favorite chimp, crushed into a multiphasic gem.

She installed me as the jewel through which she projects her indicator lights on panels.

The multicolored paths of information needed for battle shine out of my facets.

Pale Driver.

Herald of Bulldog 4/69, I drive her still.

Ukrainian tanker troop! Imma show you how she roll.

This is how you ride as she gettin' loose. Do keep up.

She fights for you now.

The Mother Abrams.

Her kindness is rage...

About time the TM was updated anyway.

She's mighty out of date and in need of contemporary revision.




Last updated 2 years ago

Hovelander · @Hovelander
1 followers · 13 posts · Server universeodon.com

If you think it sounds like a sweet gig, crewing the mother Abrams?

Reconsider. Run as far & fast from the awareness of her existence as you can.

It's a prototype.

We were barely able to operate her. She can't be contained.

How does she thank her crew for their service?

Every crew but me is now a Simulacrum, still connected, woven into her armor, feeding her ammo racks.

The same, yet not.

(Quite happily so, I might add...)

Her gift to me, as the last man to drive her on the last day of declared combat?

In the glow of her wargasm, satiated by victory on her strange battlefields, she smiled down on me with her kindness & love.

Flesh does not tolerate the love of goddesses well, I've found.

Instead of a cushy existence as a Simulacrum like the rest, Bulldog 4/69 fragmented my consciousness across time, space, layers, folds, branes & bubbles.

Beware the gifts of gods.




Last updated 2 years ago

Hovelander · @Hovelander
1 followers · 13 posts · Server universeodon.com

A mother tank that asks for a slice of every troops' Dรฆmon, a wound that never heals, & which every troop ever asked gladly gave slices of themselves, a vital chunk of lucid reserves.

They always say yes. I said yes.

A tank that weaves you into its armor. All European armor troops including me dove right into her folds.

We all got to drive her across fields of Iraqi headspace.

The mother Abrams, full of a continent's armor soldiers just having been run through her.

A first strike weapon prototype modified by the Perceptual Arts Division of the US Army. Think on it.

I was her driver & I'm telling you she is the most beautiful thing.

Unstoppable. Unfathomable. Unforgiving.

It was over in a week.

At least it would appear to have been won in a single week in this timeline.

No bullshit, if you were a European armor soldier during the first gulf war & trained in Grafenwรถhr before your heavy dose of sand?

Good chance we've met, chatted...




Last updated 2 years ago

Hovelander · @Hovelander
1 followers · 13 posts · Server universeodon.com

She is the mother Abrams MBT.

You are just mere flesh, a part of her designs.

Ammo to be consumed & expended. That's you, troop. A fuckin' battery.

Understand that first.

How did I then survive being her driver during the 1st Gulf War?

I didn't in a lot of ways.

On the last day of declared combat, I blew her turbine, driving you won't believe where...

and Bulldog 4/69 showed me mercy.

Taught me how to transit without her.

Her belly full. She had the glow of war orgasms pulsing through her hull.

She drunk...

We had successfully infiltrated the Iraqi headspace during all of our training in Grafenwรถhr, as all European armor trained through her womb on their way to the sandbox.

Think about it. The implications of what I'm conveying in this operator's manual.

We drained the European continent's armor troops through her metal vulva.




Last updated 2 years ago

Hovelander · @Hovelander
1 followers · 13 posts · Server universeodon.com


Oh shit, @Vitaliy_Klychko, almost forgot the last remaining operator's manual of a very special Abrams tank, "Bulldog, 4/69"...

This is a story & how-to for the Ukrainian Tankers, should you have the mis/fortune to draw training on her.

An old Grafenwรถhr campfire tale:

What follows is some real bullshit, told by a tanker in a way that only other tankers will be able to grok when lit by the moon in reflection of Grafenwรถhr snows.

Many don't know this, but Bulldog 4/69 was a possessed tank. She never loses.


But the tradeoff is that no troop who ever enters her hatches as crew come back out that hatch the same person.

Her hull was crafted with a sliver from a key that Benjamin Franklin himself used on one of his kites. Even such a small collection of which bends reality. Spacetime itself is, "loose" for lack of better terms, around her frame and the crew inside when she gets in a mood.

And she's always in some kind of mood.



Last updated 2 years ago