#RPGaDAY2023 Day 4: Most recent game bought - "Bulldogs" Fate Core edition. First edition #BulldogsRPG (pre-Fate Core) was useful after "Spirit of the Century" hooked me on the #FateRPG but I wanted something less 1920s pulp, more SF-based. (And I wanted *that* so I could use it for more FATEful, less fiddly adventuring in #GURPS Time Travel's parallel-worlds setting.) So was pleased to spot this new Fate Core version on the FLGS shelf.
#rpgaday2023 #bulldogsrpg #faterpg #gurps
RT @i_demand_games@twitter.com
At 1 pm we have #monsteroftheweek (@MotW_rpg@twitter.com), #forthequeen (@muscularpikachu@twitter.com), #backagainfromthebrokenland (@ClovenPineGames@twitter.com), #Sattar (Anton), #Bulldogsrpg (@GalileoGames@twitter.com), #katanasandtrenchcoats (@GalileoGames@twitter.com), #fallofmagic (@hotdeernicorn@twitter.com). Line has space! Come play!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/i_demand_games/status/1599458250000601088
#monsteroftheweek #ForTheQueen #backagainfromthebrokenland #sattar #bulldogsrpg #katanasandtrenchcoats #fallofmagic
And of course there are all the personal-scale plots that can go on in any space opera setting. #bulldogsrpg could be a good system, though the setting would need meddling. http://www.galileogames.com/bulldogs/